This is just a short blog post from my heavily-discounted but not exceptionally huge suite in Ottawa. We’re on day 3 (though Monday was a partial day) and missions are being accomplished. The interview went well and my source may well lead me to other interesting people. We are getting a lot of writing done. We have done some touristy stuff, but won’t even come close to the amount of tourism that is clearly possible here. Guess we’ll return next summer to accomplish that mission.
In the meantime, I am posting an erratum published in The Utne Reader, that bastion of self-satisfied bourgeois hippie wannabe faux-leftism that I sometimes enjoy reading anyway. It sort of comments on itself, but it has some kind of poignance concerning Americans’ understandings of Canada. It’s especially choice since the Utne a) acts all enlightened and stuff and b) routinely fetishizes Canada as a bastion of progressiveness.
Oh Canada! In our May/June issue, we made a few errors about our neighbor to the north: In “Maple Leaf Rags,” we incorreectly referred to the newsweekly Maclean’s as “McLean’s” and to the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau as a “premier.” Also, in “Street Librarian,” we mentioned the “Canadian Maritime islands” when we meant the Maritime Provinces, of which two are part of the mainland and only one is an island.
My favorite part is about the Maritime Islands.