This time to Washington D.C. for a family event, and we’re driving. We will supposedly have high speed internet in the room, in which case I’ll do some remote blogging over the weekend. If not, I’ll be back here next week in full summer mode. In the meantime, keep an eye on the Bad Subjects homepage, as I’m co-cooking up something good.
I have to stop meeting like this
Another weekend, another conference: this time it’s the mobile digital commons network symposium. Lots of interesting people on the bill but I confess to doing that annoying thing where I go to the party and show up to my panel and maybe one other and the rest of the time tend to my own life. The fact that I even think to feel guilty about such a thing suggests the nature of my investment in the academic illusio and an item on the list of things to change about myself.
That said, the socializing last night was excellent between dinner and the conference party. That’s what I love about this town.
Also, our friend Ariel (Ducey, another American in her first year in Canada, though she’s at Calgary in Sociology) is in town for some bizarre fullbright conference. As I’ve been told before, you can quickly “make old friends” — so it’s good to have her around.
And Now for Something Completely Different
Here’s a brilliant commentary on the jurisprudence behind Montreal’s upcoming smoking ban.
Gearhead Update
The magical control surface arrived. But I seriously will never again believe in “plug and play.” I spent 5 hours — the 5 hours this week that I had to make music — configuring the thing and on the phone with tech support at two different companies. Of course it amounted to checking some little box and installing a driver that was supposed to come with the unit but didn’t. But now it works. It looks super cool and I think it will speed up the mixing process. I will provide an update later this month.
I Live in a Rogue Nation
I am, of course, talking about Canada’s rejection of the ridiculous provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright and the U.S.’s rejection of their rejection. The New York Times made it sound like Canada was a haven for pirates, thieves, and other nefarious figures would deprive U.S. capitalists of their rightful booty. Next thing you know, Canada will get compared to those countries where you can set up and offshore account and horde your money in a tax shelter. . . . Oh WAIT, the capitalists like that. Anyway, you can read more about it here, here, here and here. Bottom line, in my reading, is that Canada isn’t doing enough to support copy protection schemes on hardware and software (many of which ought to be illegal, since they move things like recordings from commodity law to contract law) and to coerce ISPs to give up their user lists. In other words, Canada is doing a good job. As the Geist column I link to points out, Canada’s doing better on the U.S. on privacy. Perhaps the U.S. should be on Canada’s watch list.
And While We’re on the Subject of Canadian Politics
I understand now what my Canadian friends mean when they say they watch U.S. politics as a spectator sport. Except of course the power relations are somewhat inverted, though it is true that the results of the next election — whenever it will be — will have an effect on me. Last night while watching a West Coast feed on TV, we saw an ad for the NDP in B.C., and it so savaged the liberals I thought it was the conservatives. That’s what’s cool — there’s something to the left of the government party. Of course the NDP is itself a conflicted thing, but I’m still sorting all that out. It’s a good thing it’ll take awhile to make citizenship, since I have no idea for whom I’d vote if I could actually participate in the election. All I know is that I love that the conservatives’ politics, where are somewhere on the right of the U.S. democratic party, are getting lambasted as too “extreme” for the Canadian electorate in the editorial pages. Cool.
And never mind what you heard about the poll for the sovereignty vote in my home province. The majority of sovereigntists want “continued economic partnership with Canada” which means, essentially, no sovereignty. That said, I am fascinated with the antifederalism that seems to cut across provinces. The “letters” sections in the last two issues of The Walrus both have hard-core argument for more provincial rights, as if they didn’t already have a whole boatload of rights.
And a Perplexing Situation
Is I were to substitute “us” and “them” for the “U.S.” and “Canada” in the above paragraphs, which should I use? You can see why I go easy on the pronouns.
Update on the “I’m So Busy” Rant
So awhile back I complained about how busy I was, posted a list of projects and then got a comment from Dave Noon about how I get so much done. Well, don’t get carried away. Here’s the update on that to-do list:
1. Proposal for sound studies reader (the proposal is done and it will have the best market research routledge ever saw for a cultural studies tome, but my god, it could easily have 80 chapters. how to cut the table of contents to a manageable size?)
*Almost done. Should go out before I leave for D.C. on the 11th. I’d hoped to be done before now, but you know how that goes.
2. Afterword (or is it “Afterward”) to an edited volume called Cybersounds that deals with music and the internet (forthcomign Peter Lang sometime late 2005 or 2006)
*Done and does not suck. Got me thinking about navigating my SSHRC grant over the next three years. Useful!
3. An essay for Bad Subjects called “My Canadian Confusion” that’s turned out to be quite, well, confusing to write (will be up later this month or early April).
*Done and it might suck. I can’t tell. If you’ve been reading this blog, you probably don’t need to read the essay, but it’s at the BS site if you want to find it. I’m too lazy to link. it’s in the current issue, and there’s a link to that on the front page.
4. An essay on digital timekeeping and the regulation of movement for a conference in April. I’m coauthoring with a student.
*Drafted. Does not suck. Though my verbal presentation of it at the Milwaukee conference kind of did. I still got tons of questions. The editors there only want a couple changes. I’ll be co-presenting it here next weekend at a conference for the Mobile Digital Commons project.
5. An essay on the circulation of Osama bin Laden’s voice in American broadcast media (which I presented at two different events on two consecutive days – Sunday and Monday. A couple more public presentations and revisions and it will get shipped off to a journal).
*Haven’t even come close to touching it. I have a nice file of comments, though. I’m parking it until fall.
Summer writing goals:
–Ship out the Sound Reader edited book proposal next week
–A couple short magazine-style articles for European publications
–Make any additional revisions to the timekeeping piece and send it along to conference organizers for inclusion in edited book or special journal issue.
–Full draft of mp3 book by September. It’s a short book. It’s on mp3s, but not really about file sharing. It’s about digital sound.
Objectively Speaking, This is a Weird Note to Send Someone
I just got back from Milwaukee, and here’s one of my thankyou notes:
“Hey Bill,
Thanks again to you and Kari for a great brunch and some hanging out time. I am still thinking about your bear-like cat. I have also repeatedly scratched the asses of both my cats in hopes of causing them to lick themselves, and while they clearly like it, they do not lick themselves. Is the instinct limited to calico cats?
Live from Milwaukee
because this time I’ve got a hotel room with internet access.
I’m in town for this conference. I’m not an expert on governance by any means but juding by the papers I’m reading through, this is going to be a pretty wild and free ranging affair. The legal theory is especially mind-blowing for me, though I suppose it’s probably pretty pedestrian for people who read legal theory on a regular basis. Guess I’ve been missing out.
An Allegory, or Maybe Just a Simile
There is this standard scene in action movies where it’s near the end — what you think is the end — and the villain is lying in a bloody mess on the ground. The hero is congratulating his(1) buddies and/or making out with the female lead, and then the camera cuts to a blood-soaked hand, moving ever so slowly toward the gun that sits on the ground just a few inches away. The camera cuts back and forth between the blood-soaked hand of our near-dead antagonist and the celebrating heroes. The hand grabs the gun, takes aim, and BAM! you hear a gunshot. The hand is now facing up, the gun on the ground.
But who shot the antagonist?
Why, of course it was the sidekick who hadn’t fired a gun for the whole film because of some prior traumatic experience (except of course when the hero turns out to be omnicient and does it himself).
Anyway, you know the scenario. Even if you don’t watch action movies, you know the scenario.
Now: imagine that I and my colleagues are the hero. The villain is a beast called “service,” the celebration is occurring because it is the end of the school year, and the sidekick? Travel.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the new job is just like the old job: the term ends, and all those service duties that have been feeling neglected (despite my having spent a great deal of time this year on service-related matters) rear their ugly heads. The only cure is to get out of town.
But of course, no matter what happens, there will be a sequel in the fall. The villain’s offspring/friend/computer/etc. will come and get me. And if you’re an academic, it’s coming for you too. In theaters everywhere in September.
1. There are relatively few action movies with female leads that follow this formula. The only one I can think of at the moment is that weird one with Geena Davis. Can’t even remember the name. It got panned (as these films usually do) but was actually pretty good.
Andrea Dworkin
I should have written something when she actually died, but seeing that I didn’t, I’ll just say a couple things here.
First of all, a story. I first became aware of Dworkin’s work as an undergrad. I don’t exactly know when, but I did. I wrote about paper about her (mostly her book Woman Hating, which has some awesome sections), an essay by Scott Tucker called “Gender, Fucking and Utopia” in _Social Text_, and Jeffrey Weeks’ Sexuality book. I came to the predictable (for a guy) conclusion that Tucker’s queer polymorphous sexuality and differentiated view of penetration (it’s not the problem), pornography (it’s not the problem), and patriarchy (okay, that still bites) was preferable to Dworkin’s well-known position on those matters.
The paper was for a course called “Sexualities: From Perversity to Diversity,” which was part of the new cultural studies-ish humanities curriculum at the University of Minnesota. In my undergrad education, it came late in a long sequence of courses on sexuality, representation, queer theory, and so forth. There were even more courses that I didn’t take. But it was a sad situation for poor Ellen Messer-Davidow, who was teaching the course for the first time. She’d set up something like the first half of the course as a critique of what we’d now call heteronormativity. She must have thought she was getting a whole gaggle of whitebread Minnesotans. What she got was a class full of out radical lesbians, gay AIDS activists, children of open marriages, S/M practitioners, and everything inbetween. Since this was over a decade ago, the details are foggy, but I do remember some kind of revolt and a change in the readings packet to reflect the fact that a core of activist students in the class were impatient with the deconstructing heteronormativity section of the course and were ready to move on to alternative sexualities right away. I wasn’t part of that particular revolt, since even at the time I identified with the professor — though I certainly benefitted from it since I too was coasting through the critique of heterosexuality part of the course.
I remember that Ellen was disappointed with my conclusions in the final paper. John Fiske was at Minnesota that quarter, and his conclusions about the possibilities for radical politics no doubt temporarily mellowed my otherwise utopian political bent. That Fiskean moment didn’t last long for me (though Fiske was one hell of a good teacher — more on that in another post sometime) but at the time, it must have had some impact on my conclusion. I remember Ellen said something in her comments about the cynicism of my generation. Now here I am now on the other side of that argument. I guess that’s the life of the mind for you.
Despite my disagreement with her, Dworkin capitivated my imagination because of the sheer force and quality of her writing, and she sent me on a long path through second-wave feminism, so-called “radical feminism,” to which I still have a strong affective attachment. Though today I pretty much only read that kind of work in used bookstores, or when I point someone to Firestone’s Dialectic of Sex which still intrigues me. And yet it holds a significant place in my imagination as I evaluate more contemporary feminist writing, especially academic feminist writing. Perhaps it’s a kind of mellowing that comes with institutionalization and a kind of co-optation that comes with professionalization. I don’t know. But when I read Judith Butler or Nancy Fraser now, I want to know where’s the rage? Where did patriarchy go as a concept? Doesn’t anyone want to get rid of it anymore? Of course I know they do, and they’re just looking for more sophisticated ways to talk about it. And yet, unfairly, I hold them up to the second-wave yardstick and find them wanting, even as I think much more with them than with Dworkin and her interlocutors. Of course, this is horribly unfair, as none of my own academic writing rages on against capitalism, patriarchy, heteronormativity, etc., though I can occasionally work up some indignation.
Anyway, in thinking of Dworkin’s passing, I mainly wonder what will/has become of second-wave feminism’s radical critique of patriarchy and desire for a fundamental transformation of relations between men and women. Or did the second wave feminists make just enough progress for the system to buy everyone in the middle and upper classes off? One could ask the same question about radical queer politics, but I guess that’s for another post.