You must know the feelings — getting into ruts and escaping them.
Right now I’m going through one of those periods where I see a whole body of literature in a new light — a “a ha!’ moment. In this case it’s cybernetics and information theory and it all started because one of my RAs came across a reference to Shannon and Weaver in some work she was doing for me. Not like I’m going to start walking around arguing that we should adjust the inputs and outputs on my cat or anything (though come to think of it, maybe I should adjust the cat) (1), but it turns out that there’s a “there there” I hadn’t noticed before. And all this readed I did in a reading group a couple years ago on autopoesis is turning out to be quite useful. Currently, I’m reading a really cool history of Soviet Cybernetics called From Newspeak to Cyberspeak (by Slava Gerovitch) that’s got lots of good little tidbits in it and also suggests some interesting reading strategies for the American material given Gerovitch’s attention to language and official ideology — which I suppose is an essential part of writing the history of Soviet science. I’m filling in some gaps in my knowledge and going back over stuff. Yes, of course the material is really dry, but that’s half the fun. Anyway, I don’t feel like I’m expressing this well, but there’s just no high like the moment you see a new connection among ideas. At least if you’re a geek like me.
Musically, on the other hand, I find there’s just a center of gravity in indierock that I keep going back to. This is all spurred on by the fact that I just ordered (a couple days ago) the new EP by the Joy Circuit, who have members of a bunch of other bands I listened to in the 1990s. It’s like I’m following a social group with which I have no personal connection through their musical careers. Or something. Anyway, I find my ears keep wanting it. Yeah, the Lesbians on Ecstasy CD is also on order and will be enjoyable, but I think I’m waiting for the next big subgenre discovery. Either that, or I’ll give in and just roll with it. Guess I’m just not satisfied with my own satisfaction.
1. For those who don’t know, Norbert Wiener’s Human Use of Human Beings has a whole discussion of the inputs and outputs of a kitten. When I read it, it’s kind of cute and creepy at the same time.