That damn blood/brain barrier

Cancer Crawl 5 Feb 2025

Erratum: there was a 4th option I failed to mention on Thursday which is a sort of radiotherapy whack-a-mole where they radiate lesions as they start to cause symptoms. We’re not considering this one (for one thing, that’s a potentially infinite number of radiation treatments) so I’m not saying much more.

So, we are 99% sure I’m going with whole brain radiation. Just waiting for one bit of confirmation. Everyone says it’s my choice — ie, “I” am choosing it. But of course it’s not that simple when there are people close to you and medical experts weighing in.

When I last wrote, I was only a few hours from getting the news about the mets in my brain. There were conversations to have with medical professionals and family, and I needed time to think it through. This is not my first brush with cancer and the possibility of life-altering side-effects–I almost wound up losing my voice in 2009–but things feel different now than they have in the past. The cancer is more aggressive, and while I am usually a “bet on yourself” kind of person, I would say that December 2023-present has not been a very “lucky” period for my health between the concussion, the two hospitalizations for the cancer in my lungs this fall, and now this. I am still going to bet on myself, but cancer has a hand to play as well.

After some reflection, the options are more straightforward than they were initially. I do not have “get out of jail free” card: there are only choices that come with side effects and a potential for a decreased quality of life. The advantage of whole brain radiation is that it attacks all the mets. It is also the best bet for the shorter and longer term. The MRI report from last week mentions 17 mets. Some are new, and the older ones have doubled in size in the space of 6 weeks. The radiation would attack all of them including ones we don’t know about. And it would happen fast: better to get the tumour before more symptoms or bleeding shows up. (Bleeding with effects on me would mean brain surgery.)

Still, whole brain radiation is the first of a different class of cancer treatment I will have had. Up to this point everything I have had done has been specific and targeted. Modern treatments aimed at specific mutations, surgeries aimed at specific tumours or lesions, etc. Whole brain radiation is more, well, medieval. (There is probably a better word, but it’s my placeholder for “the cure is also the poison.”) Like old fashioned chemo, it aims at the whole organ or area. In attacking the cancer, it attacks the whole organ.

Part of this is because research hasn’t found any better options, at least not yet. Part of this is the blood-brain barrier. Presumably the cancer in my brain is the same mutation as the cancer in my lungs, but the drugs that are helping my lungs can’t get to my brain. So you attack the whole brain.

When you attack your whole brain with radiation, there is a good deal of potential for side effects down the road. Most of these surface months or even years after the treatment but they can be serious. Most of them sound like the accelerated effects of aging: slower recall, reduced verbal memory, hearing loss, cataracts, possible balance issues, emotional self-regulation, and on and on. I asked about musical memory (which is often the last to go) and of course there’s no research on that because this is a rare form of cancer and medical researchers don’t care about music (I KID but only a little). As a 54-year old in decent health otherwise my odds are good that the effects will be milder. But as with all side-effects, it’s a menu, you don’t get all of them, it’s chef’s choice what you do get and there’s no ordering off the menu. As an intellectual, I may also be more sensitive to changes in my cognition. I will say that everyone I’ve told this to in my age range immediate regales me with a story of a word they’ve forgotten, so if nothing else I get to mask it with middle age.

In the short term, side effects will be like other radiation treatments, which I’m used to. This is my third dance with external beam radiation. One small difference is my hair will fall out, but a little extra baldness for a few weeks won’t bother me. The fatigue doesn’t come on right away but it can be brutal; at least I’m off the lung meds while undergoing treatment so I have a chance at managing it. I’m guessing 2-3 weeks of fatigue. Carrie will be here to look after me. I might also have nausea and headaches. I’ve got drugs for that. Fatigue just takes sleep and time.

Friday I go in to sign a bunch of forms and get fitted for a mask, and have a practice run with the radiotherapy setup.

Unfortunately, this is not the end of this post. I have another announcement. Yesterday I went to see my Boston medical oncologist and learned that the cancer in my lungs has spread to my heart tissue. The treatment for that is an immunotherapy drug called Keytruda that’s taken in combination with dabrafenib and trametenib. The whole thing was a real surprise as I walked into the appointment thinking my brain was my problem and that the lungs were under control. As it turns out, you really have to read the report carefully to notice the word “aorta” as the word “heart” or “spread” never appears. Strike one point for medical jargon. We are waiting for the insurance company’s approval of the immunotherapy drug. I will write more about it in the coming days or week. This post is long enough.

Fuck cancer!

Bad news / good news

Cancer Crawl, 31 Jan 2025

The tests have all come back, so I have news. Strap in because it’s a bumpy ride.

Bad news: the mets in my brain have grown, and there is one spot where there is some bleeding. I am probably not symptomatic apart from twice getting a numb tongue for 10 minutes. Carrie and I spent an hour on a video call with the radiation oncologist here, who is great. There are really three options all of which are “bad” options in that they all contain risks. If I do nothing, he estimates I’ll start seeing side effects in two months, at which point we could do targeted radiation as a sort of palliative strategy. A second option that I am not at all keen on is using medical treatments to treat symptoms but doing nothing about the cancer itself. The third option is whole brain radiation, maybe minus the hippocampus. This comes with a lot of potential side effects but good chance of extension of life, and my odds in side-effects roulette are slightly better because I’m 54. At the moment we are leaning towards option 3, but that depends on discussions that will happen this weekend and next week. There is a lot more detail I can add about whole brain radiation and its various risks, but for now I’ll leave it at this: not radiating is at least as risky as radiating as far as I can tell.

The good news is that my lung mets continue to react to the meds I’ve been taking. So at least that is working (which is also why we are leaning towards the whole brain option).

Tuesday I see my medical oncologist, and the radiation oncologist is going back to the tumour board. We might make a move as soon as late next week. If I do choose the whole brain radiation, I can do a full half-day neurological panel of tests to set a baseline, which is something I would definitely want to do.

Symptom and side effect report:

Sleep’s been decent, all things considered. I got two vaccines Tuesday eve that caused some fever spikes alone or in tandem with the cancer meds. I was able to handle it and the second spike came with chills so I used “the boyfriend” to warm up my core, which worked like a charm. I hesitate to write this for reasons that will be clear at the end of the sentence: I last vomited Friday evening.


“Cancer Crawl” used to be a sub-feature of the blog (like a news crawl), but it’s more or less what I’m writing about these days. I’ve taken it out of the title because it’s ugly and takes up lots of space. So future posts will look like this. You can always find my 15+ years of cancer posts by hitting the “cancer” category.

24 Jan 2025 Cancer Crawl: Pause or Shift?

This will be another symptoms and side effects post. I really want to write about shrinkage and some other more philosophical topics but that has to wait.

The good news is that there is good news to share. Let’s go!

Good news: sleep. I put the 15 degree foam wedge on top of the 25 degree foam wedge on my side of the bed and it works. 40 degrees is apparently enough to keep the liquids in my lungs down, and I wake up once or twice to cough and then get back to sleep. I don’t even have to put on music. This week, I’ve had some of the best sleep I’ve had in weeks, and I haven’t needed the recliner, though it’s there and ready if I do. Of course I still wake up zonked, and I’m still dealing with a lot of fatigue, but I feel less like shit than I have been when I wake up in the morning, which matters.

Good news: blood from lungs and breathing. This may also have to do with meds: maybe the albuterol is clearing things up now that it’s built up. And I was on steroids Friday-Tuesday, which dry me out, which could have also helped, and might still be in my system. I don’t know if I’m enjoying a respite or a change. I am still coughing up bloody phlegm but at a more manageable rate, and my airway is clear a lot more of the time.

Good news: fevers. The 5-day course of ‘roids seems to have helped. My fever is not spiking, and I’ve been back on my meds since Wednesday. Again, it may be too soon to tell if this is a switch or a respite, but it’s something.

Good news: physical therapy. Wednesday I had my intake for outpatient physical therapy. I don’t think I realized how much I missed PT. (I had in-home through December, but could not get an appointment until Weds for outpatient). It’s one of the few things where I can do something and experience improvement over time–in other words, it’s one of the few places in my current treatment where I can exert some control.

Semi-good news: vomiting. The day isn’t over yet, but I haven’t puked since Monday. Friday and Monday were pretty spectacular, but I learned that steroids can also upset the stomach. I made a slight change in how I take the “with food” breakfast meds, which may help in the future.

Was this all just steroids? I guess we will know next week when they have totally worn off.

This morning I had a barium swallow, results still pending. I know I have issues in my pharynx (I believe I have discussed those already). And on Tuesday I saw an ENT physicians’ assistant. She examined my nose and throat, and said the throat was in surprisingly good condition given how much I have been throwing up. Her theory is that it’s either a sphincter not closing or acid reflux or both that are accentuating the vomiting (which, it must be remembered, was not an issue before going on the new meds in October). She suggested sipping Maalox during vomiting episodes to tame the burning acid.

Next week: scans on Tuesday afternoon, then a meeting with my primary care doctor, who is fantastic. Thursday a virtual meeting with my radiation oncologist, who might even have readings of all my scans (though it’s hard to know in advance). Also I’ve got two physical therapy appointments M and Th, and Friday my cancer therapist will be back and I am definitely due to talk with her! So yeah, definitely being sick is somewhere between my hustle and side-hustle.

In other news, a friend sent me a watercolour painting of my cats, which is the gift I didn’t know I needed. It prompted me to order a digital picture frame. I have pics of Carrie and the cats on various devices but it’s nice to have them visible in a room. I’m not sure if this is just lack of practice at living alone or some residual bachelor/dude behaviour on my part, but I should have had the picture frame from September. I’ll still get lots of use out of it. Carrie is also very good at sending cat audio and video (and photos of beaches and ocean) so that’s been very nice.

20 Jan 2025 Cancer Crawl: Works in Progress

It’s been a week so here is a check-in.

Things have been pretty rough on the symptom/side-effect front. I did have friends in town this weekend and got to see them a couple times, which was very nice.

I’ve been coughing up lots of blood and/or bloody phlegm (a known side effect of several of the drugs I’m on), and had a lot of congestion in my chest and throat. On Thursday’s visit to the cancer center, my nurse practitioner listened to my lungs and said the congestion was probably in the upper chest, not lungs, which was confirmed by an x-ray. I’m now nebulizing albuterol 2-4 times a day, which seems to be helping. I’m also pausing baby aspirin and trying to avoid Advil, which I’d been using to (unsuccessfully) help manage fevers. The NP asked me “who prescribed baby aspirin?” and I had to answer “you did.” I think it was as a precaution to prevent a stroke from afib? I’m on metropolol and may or may not have afib at this point–my heart rate feels relatively well controlled.

It is really hard to keep track of all the drugs and their interactions. I keep a list that I edit as needed. This week I’m pausing montelukast, an asthma med that I may not need with the albuterol, and which lists “difficulty swallowing” among its side effects, to see if I feel any different. I feel like there’s just a lot of body experimentation to do–trial and error to see what works, because what worked before is no longer a good guide. Speaking of which….

The cough has also been messing with my sleep. I’d wake up around 3am and cough terribly for an hour or two. It’s simple gravity: if there’s a bunch of crap in my lungs and I’m laying down, it’s going to creep up on me. Eventually–I can’t say exactly when–I started going out to the recliner in the living room for the last few hours of sleep. The last two nights I’ve experimented just sleeping in the recliner. 3 hours vs 9-10 is a whole different proposition for my body — it’s not a new recliner and doesn’t have amazing back support and I had to figure out how to position my neck. But after two nights of experimentation, it’s an option if it’s needed. Starting tonight, I am going to try the bed again, this time with two foam wedges (one 15 degrees, one 25, for 40 degrees total) and have blankets and pillow ready to go in the living room if I need to crawl out to the recliner in the middle of the night. We will see how this goes. Sleeping in a recliner feels like “giving up” to me in some way. I’m sure people with COPD or other respiratory ailments do it all the time, but I really love the bed (I have a rare rental with a Very Comfortable Bed) and don’t want to give it up.

After fighting a losing battle with fever last week, I went into the “prednisone protocol” on Friday, which involves stopping the cancer drugs for five days and taking — you guessed it — prednisone. Friday I noticed no improvement but I might have puked it out in the morning. Hard to tell. But this weekend I definitely feel like I’m on steroids, and as of yesterday, my temperatures were back in the normal range. Wednesday morning I go back on my cancer meds.

Friday I had my spinal scan. Hoping that turns up no new news. My remaining scans (CT chest, MRI brain) are a week from Tuesday.

This Tuesday I see an ENT physician’s assistant, which will be for my swallowing / throat burning / vomiting issues. We will see what they come up with, if anything. I realize my problem is that my condition transcends specialties — it’s probably a mix of throat issues, stomach issues, and cancer meds.

There’s a post to be made about being “in my body” and self-experimentation, but I’m not there yet. In the meantime, wish me luck-: with scans, sleeping, fevers, blood/phlegm, and balancing meds. More news as it happens, or in a few days’ time.

14 Jan 25 Cancer Crawl: Trifecta

One of my favourite Loony Tunes scenes is a rare speaking part for Wile E. Coyote. He is in some kind of hut that reads “Explosives: Keep Out”, filling up carrots with explosive liquid in a plan to finally “get” Bugs Bunny, who is meanwhile using a tractor to pull said hut (which is inexplicably on wheels) onto train tracks. As the Coyote fills the carrots, he laughs to himself and says “Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius” over and over. At one point, in the distance, we hear a train horn. His ears perk up, then he goes back to filling the carrots and repeating his koan, until it is too late. C/W — extreme cartoon violence.

That is how my Monday went.

You’ll recall on Sunday I posted that things were going ok with fever and I was hoping to at least get to three weeks. I got to 2 weeks and change. Sunday night I had a bit of a chill. I threw on my sweatshirt and went back to sleep. The apartment has a “smart” thermostat (scare quotes necessary) and it often gets quite cold at night. I then had a coughing fit before going into work. I shrugged it off and headed in. At work, I had a green tea at a meeting, which after a few minutes occasioned a cyclical vomiting episode that went from 0-100 before I could get the drugs in. It took me over an hour to settle down enough to get an Uber home and the simple trip home and up the stairs was a real challenge. When I get into the apartment and catch my breath, I take my temperature and . . . 101.3. It took a double dose of meds and six hours to get the fever under control. So I’m on break from the cancer meds for 48 hours and today is a recovery day. I wouldn’t say I was as cocky as the Coyote (in this particular episode anyway–see also MRI expectations in December for the real blown expectations). But sometimes life deals you a blow and you have to roll with it.

The unfortunate thing here is the fever came last, so I got the warning after the explosion. Before the 101.3, I was in the high 98s all day. It would be really convenient if the fever hit first before the other symptoms. I will leave a request in the suggestion box. I’m sure my meds will take it under advisement.

12 Jan 2024 Cancer Crawl: radical monopolies and end of life; semi-independent

This week was supposed to be my “back to work” week and while I did a little email and sent out a couple letters, I did not get very far into my own work. I did successfully go into Radcliffe two days, but Friday was the coughing fit I describe below–which started in the Uber on the way to work, which meant I got stoned* at work for the first time since, well, possibly ever. (The driver asks “are you ok?” And I answer “what I have, you can’t catch.” That seemed to put him at ease.). Tuesday I just felt bad and did a little outlining but couldn’t get past that. Happily I’m also working on a little art project at work and was able to do that instead.

* I once smoked so much weed as an undergrad that I woke up the next morning high and took a quiz in that state. Also, stoned on pharmaceuticals is very different from stoned on marijuana.

My cancer therapist is on a 3-week break and she gave me homework for during her absence. Or, more accurately, she told me I was her first-ever patient to ASK for homework. (NERD ALERT.) One of her big things is that all cancer patients need to have clarity on end of life matters because they can come suddenly and without warning–and that doing so provides it for those around us. To be honest, this is probably good advice for every mortal person reading. So she gave me Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal to read, which I highly recommend, and the Five Wishes website to fill out. It turns out despite my relative comfort with my own debility and ambiguity, it is hard to contemplate one’s own finitude and sonic AI at the same time.

I also got through Ivan Illich’s Medical Nemesis (1975). His critique of Western medicine follows his usual schtick about radical monopoly, which I rather like. For those unfamiliar, radical monopoly is the dominance of a type of product or institution rather than a particular business to the point where it becomes difficult to participate in society without using it. Computers would be an example now (try being a prof and not using email); cars are an example from his earlier work (try going for a walk on a freeway); and Western medicine is yet another. To be sick means you have to interact with Western medicine, which inevitably makes you sick in new ways and/or finds new things wrong with you.

For me, this is a multiple things can be true situation, since I largely agree with that assessment, but have been happily living with the contradictions of cancer treatment keeping me alive and making me sick in one way or another since 2009. Illich popularized the term iatrogenesis, which I have used quite a bit to describe my situation before fall 2024.

But there is so much bullshit in Medical Nemesis about what medicine has or has not accomplished that I found it very frustrating. For instance, he claims that Western medicine has not extended average lifespan in the U.S., when it clearly had by 1975. He also doesn’t distinguish between different areas of medicine, like public health, that actually make a difference. The book is full of arguments like that, which I think are unnecessary to make his bigger point about medicine taking over vast swaths of life that might be better run by individuals or other kinds of collectives or institutions.

Gawande is a surgeon who also critiques the medical / safety orientation of assisted living and nursing home facilities, as well as hospital end-of-life care. He would be sympathetic to the radical monopoly point — he repeatedly argues that doctors are not equipped to have the kind of conversations necessary for end of life, that they aren’t prepared for the contradictions involved in the treatments they offer, and that quality and quantity of life are two entirely different concerns. He also shows how medicine (and probably liability, though he doesn’t touch on that–let us not forget the U.S. is one of the world’s most litigious cultures) encroaches even where it’s not wanted. For instance, assisted living started out as a way for elderly people to live more independently and on their own schedules, but today assisted living facilities have many of the same coercive safety and nursing dimensions one finds in nursing homes, where residents are kept safe, but may struggle to lead meaningful lives.

Symptoms and Side-Effects

Carrie left a little over a week ago and I’m still alive and doing things, so we are going to call it a success. The first couple days I was fairly bereft, but I anticipated that and made social plans. I quickly realized too many social plans created a problem of their own and what I needed was a good chunk of alone time. I’m still figuring out the right balance (<–story of my life) but am doing better now. And of course we talk every day. And I have been getting a lot of cat video.

I also had a few mini-crises this week which actually helped give me confidence. Twice I got into nonstop coughing cycles, which are a relative of the vomiting cycles I know and love. Both times involved delicious frozen things. The first was vegan ice cream at a friend’s on Friday night; the second was a new smoothie recipe using frozen fruit that I got from a friend on Wednesday. Both times I recovered, and the second one I treated like a vomiting fit and hit it with Ativan and Zofran, which worked much faster but left me stoned for the day. That’s the bargain I’m striking. I am apparently off ice cream and other frozen desserts for now. (Popsicles have been fine for some reason.) That ENT appointment can’t come fast enough.

I’ve also been quite vigilant about body temperatures, well mostly. I have twice now forgotten to check before cooking dinner and then discovered that there was a reason why cooking dinner seemed so tiring. But otherwise I’ve mostly managed to keep myself under 99.5F and fight back rising temps as they happen. I don’t know how long this will go on–I usually manage about 3 weeks before I need a break from the meds. But so far so good.

My current challenge is middle-of-the night coughing fits. Friday night I was up for a solid 2 hours, though I confess part of that was me getting some heavy music stuck in my head and then deciding to listen to the record, which might not have been the most sleep-friendly approach. I am experimenting with Tessalon Pearls, which numb the throat and lungs (?!?) as a way to get through it. Last night I took one at 3am and got back to sleep quickly. I might try one at bedtime tonight to see if it can get me through the night, as they are slightly sedative so I wake up groggier. I already wake up feeling kind of crap until I get meds and caffeine into me, so would prefer not to make it crappier if I can avoid.

In happier news, it was really cold and dry a couple days this week and that was GREAT for my walking and stair-stepping. I’ve even left my oxygen off for some bathroom trips and other Very Small Excursions. Yesterday with the snow I found breathing a little more challenging, but oxygen saturation looked to be about the same.

Tests: Next week I have a spinal MRI, for which I’m slightly nervous. Not the exam, but the results. Still, better to know. I also have an appointment with the nurse practitioner at the cancer center. I am secretly hoping for another walking test and reduction in oxygen flow, which might get me over the line of being able to fly to California in March (pending the rental or purchase of some equipment), assuming my various tests between now and then don’t turn up anything more urgent.


I’ll keep posting at least weekly updates here. If I successfully get into the AI writing I want to do this month, that may take me away from some of the philosophizing here (blablabblabla spoons blablabla brain). We’ll see. So the blog could get quieter.

9 Jan Cancer Crawl: old cancer books ][, or Cancer Blog meets Cancer Journals

Although I regularly assign Audre Lorde’s “Breast Cancer: Power vs Prosthesis” in my disability course, I don’t know that I’d ever sat down and read her Cancer Journals straight through. Having now done so I’m not sure that’s how it was intended. The book consists of three essays, and some of the examples that stuck with me I now realize may have done so because they repeat across chapters: the lambswool prosthetic Lorde is offered and tries (unsuccessfully at first) to refuse, the story about masturbation as a rediscovery of her body after surgery, the nurse who tells her she is ‘bad for morale,” the potlucks and community among her friends, etc.

In the disability class, I focus on prosthetics as technologies that introduce all sorts of ambivalence for both their users and those around them–observers and professionals alike. The lambswool fake breast is inherently tied to the stigma around breast cancer. As Lorde explains, people who have had mastectomies all wearing prosthetic breasts makes it impossible for breast cancer survivors to see and find one another. It hides the illness away. She uses the language of silence and voice, which I’m less fond of (not that visibility doesn’t also have its issues), but the point is solid. Prostheses balance cosmetics and function in different ways. My nasal cannula is on the opposite side of a continuum from a fake breast (function over form) but both mark their wearers, visibly or invisibly.

Lorde also draws a connection between the fake breasts made for cancer patients and cosmetic surgery on breasts more broadly, calling out the industry as not primarily being for or about women. This is a common theme throughout the book: things that are about personal experience, about “just” cancer become political, ranging from cosmetic surgery to environmental poisons. At the same time, she also says that each woman (a term to which I will return in a moment) has to make her own choice and all choices are valid, so long as they are made consciously.

In other ways, what struck me is how long ago the late 70s and early 80s really are now. One of the striking points in the book that I did not remember is that for her, physical pain had to precede emotional pain. And when I think about the physical pain I shudder. Pain management was not a thing like it is today when she was hospitalized, and add to that her status as a Black lesbian woman, and I wonder whether she got adequate pain treatment even for the time (the active participation of her partner may have helped–it’s hard to know). All of the hospital scenes strike me like this, which is not to say everything is all good now, just that things were even worse then.

Lorde’s language is also a weird mix of timeless and of her moment. Her address is sometimes to women as a category–one that has been so fully challenged in contemporary feminism (TERFs excluded)–sometimes to Black women (a category that still seems to resonate in its specificity), and sometimes to Black lesbians. I feel like that world was slowly moving out of focus as I came to my own political consciousness in the late 80s and 90s–despite the persistence of the potluck as a social form–and now is a kind of memory. Lesbian culture means something very different when there is a spectrum of genders more fully available to more people. And the kinds of gestures I find across that book, from how she discusses her sexuality to how she discusses her community, are very much of that earlier moment, before same sex marriage, before the flowering of trans and non binary politics, and at a time where lesbian culture was shaped even more by heterosexism in all its violent and nonviolent forms than it is now. At the same time she understood her sexuality, her relationships, and her culture to be radical acts simply because they existed and sustained her. Her world no longer exists. That’s both and good and a bad thing.

The book also has repeated reflections on fear and mortality that I hadn’t clocked as seriously in past readings. “In becoming forcibly and essentially aware of my mortality, and of what I wished and wanted for my life, however short it might be, priorities and omissions become strongly etched in a merciless light, and what I most regretted were my silences” (18). This point is echoed later in a comment on activism, after discussing widespread systemic violence in the U.S.: “the only truly happy people I have ever met are those of us who work against these deaths with all the energy of our being, recognizing the deep and fundamental unhappiness with which we are surrounded, at the same time as we fight to keep from being submerged by it” (77.) I connect these two thoughts because they inform one another. It’s something of a cliche that near-death experiences can lead to people putting their lives more in focus. (This cliche is worth unpacking on its own but that will have to be for another post.) But for Lorde, that death has to be understood in a broader context: individual death has to be set against collective death. In this way, she was at the forefront of politicized cancer writing to come: yes, my disease is individual, but it is also social and environmental. The question “why me” can only be asked if we ask why the disease exists as it does, why the medical system works the way it does, and why the systems of values around both exist as they do.