More Taxes, More Travel

Following up on my earlier tax post, here’s a tidbit from the conservatives’ budget, as reported in The Smoking Section. Sound familiar, Americans?

Speaking of smoking sections, a guest informed me tonight that one can order smoking cabs in Montreal. So we ordered her a smoking cab. I wonder if the smoking ban will affect that business.

May is a big travel month for me, and I fear that this blog will suffer some neglect due to my intermittent internet access. This month features trips to Boston, Washington DC., Minneapolis and Milwaukee. And the beginning of June has me in Toronto for CCA. But I’ll try to put something up here once in awhile. June-August should be more fruitful for le blog as I stay put in the same city for most of the time and devote my life to writing, reading, recovery and relaxation in varying configurations.

While I’m away, I invite you to troll my blogroll (now that I have one). Axis of Evil Knievel has been particularly satisfying of late, pairing as he has the birth of his daughter with a day-by-day recounting of historical atrocities and celebrations of the deaths of evil figures. It’s acutally quite sweet and sentimental (as all birth-of-my-first-child blogs must be) but in a totally surreal way.

3 replies on “More Taxes, More Travel”

  1. Hey, man, let me know when you’ll be in Milwaukee; maybe I can make it up.

  2. Hi Andy,

    We’ll be there Thursday the 25th of May and leave on Monday the 29th. It’s for Console-ing Passions. Drop me a line if you are thinking about coming up.

  3. That’s a definite possibility, maybe either Sunday-Monday or Sat-Sunday. I didn’t realize that Carol Stabile was at UWM now. Please tell her to join the union, why don’t you? 😉

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