Remember in the late 80s and early 90s when everyone was making a big deal about the flaneur? Article after artice that looked for similarities between the shopping mall and Benjamin’s (even then) nostalgic vision of the Paris arcades? I saw this sign today in the underground city, which is a giant, interconnected web of shopping malls:

Like a giant “take a chill pill” message from 00s cultural studies to 80s cultural studies. Or maybe it’s just another example of how all those fancy French words Americans quote when they try and use French theory are actually banal French words.
And now, from Mai Tai central in Milwaukee, a giant glowing puffer fish:

Carrie was obsessed with it. All I can say is that the Mai Tai is not my drink.
Three weekends, three conferences. Next weekend is the last one: CCA in Toronto. My first Canadian conference. See you next week.