(Scroll down to the bottom of the post if you just want the link to the article) This lovely note arrived in my email this morning: Dear Author We are pleased to send you a pdf file of your paper which will very shortly be published online in Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. The page numbering is …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
“I love it when Americans immigrate”
Permanent residency (or “landed immigrant” status as it used to be called) is a big step in any immigrant’s life in Canada, but a lot of people don’t know exactly what it means. Basically, it means that we get all the rights of citizens except for the vote. The vote comes with citizenship in about …
The “Quebec is a Nation” Controversy 101 for Americans
Ron writes in the comments that he’d like an explanation of what the hell is going on up here in federal politics. Given that I have found no more divisive issue (1) among Canadians (and that’s among anglophones and among francophones as well as across language divisions), I’m sure to get myself in trouble here. …
Continue reading “The “Quebec is a Nation” Controversy 101 for Americans”
New Book Arrivals
Alexander Galloway, Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization. Lawrence Harte, Introduction to MPEG and a CD: Deftones, Saturday Night Wrist More news coming. I’m back, my cat is still alive, and I am officially (well, liminally until my card comes in the mail) a permanent resident.
While on the subject of links to video links
Here is a link to a fascinating 5-minute film on how records were made in 1937, starring Duke Ellington and his orchestra.
Baby’s First Link to a Video Link
It’s the image of this happening at an academic conference that I can’t get out of my mind.
New book arrival
Mark J. Butler Unlocking the Groove: Rhythm, Meter and Musical Design in Electronic Dance Music.