I don’t keep blog stats. I’m sure it would be no thing to install sitemeter but then I’d have Feral Mom’s problem with it (scroll down to #10). The less I know about my readership, the better. But I do get questions. Last night at dinner a friend asked me how many people read my …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf06319/chap1.cfm Seems kind of interesting. — Sorry things are so quiet on this end. It’s been a lot of evaluating and recommending this week, punctuated by some nice social events and an interesting talk. More anon.
More Soon
I’ve got pictures once they’re developed for a Berlin story. I always forget the digital camera and then wind up buying those silly ones with the bluejeans prints. I wrote to Sage after that last IP post and it appears that they’re listening. We’ll see what comes of it. Back to the email pileup.
Science Wars, Part 1 Million
Here’s an article about a surprising test by sociologist of science Harry Collins. Sure enough, experts can’t tell his answers from real physicists’ on a test about gravity. I’m not sure where this is going, but I think it proves just about as much as The Original Sokal Affair did. It proves with some skill …
Modernity in a List
Legend Berlin Time/Montreal Time: Activity List 8:45am/2:45am: Wake up. Notice new headcold. 9:30/3:30am: Eat tasty German hotel breakfast with cool people from Paris and Davis. 10:30am/4:30am: Catch a cab to the airport. Drive by funky old looking monument. Ask in (very!) broken German what it is. Turns out it was a victory monument. I thought …
Ich Bin Ein. . .
I never get tired of that joke. I’m off to Germany later today. I will return in a week, hopefully having found something “really cool” for Carrie while on my journey.
And now, for some open access
Ted Striphas writes to say: “Kembrew McLeod and I made an agreement with Taylor & Francis, publisher of our co-edited special issue of Cultural Studies on intellectual property, to release the complete contents for free after 6 months. Well, the 6 months has expired, and K and I now have the PDF files ready for …