The Real Reason CDs Are 74 Minutes Long

I’m not much for using the blog to share works in progress or even discoveries that I hope to share in print, but this one’s too good not to get out there right away. So today while working on The Book I stumbled across this article, which is recommended reading for anyone interested in the …

Letter to a Friend Who Wants to Start Up a Blog

Here’s an email I sent a friend this weekend. Not sure why I’m feeling like reproducing it here, but I do. Dear XXXX, You asked about getting into blogging. As far as front end goes, I recommend blogspot over the others. Seems relatively straightforward and reliable. And it doesn’t come with a “rep” like livejournal …

Moving Right Along

So the writing thing has been going well and I’m hopelessly behind on email (sorry if you’re waiting for one, it just means I had to think about something you wrote). We’ve got a guest in town this week from grad school (she’s now a librarian at Cornell) and will do some fun tooling around …

I really do love team sports so long as nobody cares if we win

On a not-so-hot midsummer night (last night, to be precise), I had the pleasure of taking the field with the False Consciousness for their second softball game of the season. It was by some measures a success. I set a personal goal that we lose by less than 10 runs. We lost 24-15. We were …