I loved the ending to the Portugal-England game. As usual, everyone on the TV is tsk-tsking about how it shouldn’t have ended that way. What’s wrong with a good old shootout? I haven’t really been watching the World Cup because it conflicts with my writing schedule. My mind is just a lot fresher in the …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Book Meme
This turned out be amusing. I borrowed it from Charlie. a) pick up a book which is the closest to you at the moment b) open page 123 c) find the third sentence d) post it in your Live Journal (plus the instructions) e) don’t choose the book, just pick up the one closest to …
Canadian Bands Have a Lot of People In Them
The Besnard Lakes and Dears were outstanding. The Dears were TIGHT. That was our jazzfest for the year, I think. For the inbetween country-rock band (not our thing) we walked around the festival. I don’t know about this whole “crowd” thing.
3 Banal Thoughts on 10-Digit Dialing
For those who don’t know, Montreal went to 10-digit phone dialing this month. 1. When I moved here, I enjoyed the 7-digit phone number as kind of rustic. There’s some kind of threshold between 7 and 10 numbers on the phone. Or maybe that there was a tactile distinction between local and long distance calling, …
MRI Phenomenology
This is a couple days overdue. I mentioned before certain knee and ankle issues which have led me to see a doctor. The knee looks good under the x-ray which means it’s some kind of soft tissue thing. So I was sent off for an MRI on Friday. For those of you who don’t know, …
The End of Authorship. . . .or just reading?
In today’s NYTimes Magazine, John Updike has a piece defending authorship and books against the usual digerati critiques. I basically agree with it, but I took special note of the following: Kevin Kelly, identified as the “senior maverick” at Wired magazine, the article describes a glorious digitalizing of all written knowledge. […] Unlike the libraries …
Continue reading “The End of Authorship. . . .or just reading?”
Medical System
So I was going to add this clever thing to my post below about the softball game where I show you the x-rays of my knee and ankle (long story but there are injuries in both places). But when I popped in the CD, I found that the images were in a proprietary format that’s …