Carrie: 26 Mystery Guest: 14 Me: 13 (unless you count the two times Kiefer Sutherland said “I have a visual” in The Sentinel, in which case I have 15). Current rules explained here.
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
This is what progressive taxation looks like
It’s tax time up north and the usual complaints are making the rounds. But this is the first year I’ve done my own taxes in Canada (we were too freaked out by the move to try it ourselves last year). And it’s actually a lot easier than American taxes. For one thing, there are many …
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Radio Super Bon: Fetus Training, Incorporated
Fetus Training, Incorporated, “From Womb to Room.” An appropriate subject for the first installment — birth! A couple weeks ago, some friends of ours had a “Baby Bacchanalia” party in honor of their then-impending newborn. They asked guests for original performances for either of them, or for the child. Carrie and I decided to make …
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Radio Super Bon: Intro
Welcome to Radio Super Bon, my new audio dimension of this blog. We’ll see where it goes. Here’s the intro for Season One.
News/Music Stores/Food
News Awhile back I got interviewed for a piece in the McGill Tribune on email (sort of a copycat story after that NYTimes one), and for kicks I’m posting a link here. I actually hadn’t read it until just now when someone reminded me of it in an email. For the record, at no time …
Slashdot Sexism
Annalee Newitz’s latest column tackles this topic in a very personal fashion.
Twenty-Four Update
Current score: 26-12-12, with all additions from original phrases. Carrie says that if one of us wins under the new rules, she’s “going to be pissed.” I have decided that this season has taken the music to a whole new level. It’s louder and more interesting.