T.A. Spotted At Bar
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
B for Vendetta
V for Vendetta was a very entertaining movie. In its hit-you-over-the-head-with-message Hollywood way. It’s like the Wachowski Brothers knew they really screwed the pooch on the Matrix sequels and they were sorry. They wanted to show us they were really sorry. So they made a good movie. It has the basic same theme as the …
Snow Flurries on March 22nd
That title’s for my friends to the south. The flakes are big, fluffy and beautiful — they are drifing by the window as I type — and there isn’t much accumulation (at least not yet). Oh, and the snow means it’s getting warmer. Today is a miscellaneous post. Our car got vandalized last week. Someone …
Belated 24 Update
I think the score is now 17-5-5, but I was a little out of it during the show. There’s this one scene where Jack switched back and forth between “we don’t have time” “you’re going to have to trust me” and “we don’t have a choice” like twice. It was really great.
These Hamsters Welcome You to Princeton, NJ
Not really, but had the store been open I might have been tempted to purchase them. It turns out my flu-like bug was strep throat and the fever was my body fighting the bacteria. Or at least that’s what it had turned in to by the time I went to the CSLC. As usual, that …
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Still Sick, Still Sucks
I’ve been in this awful streak of can’t-miss meetings and bureaucratic deadlines combined with, well, being ill. (There was a deceptive moment of recovery this weekend, but it was all LIES!). Tomorrow, I travel. We will return to normal blogging shortly. Our apologies for the interruption.
Sick Sucks
Sorry to be relatively silent in this space of late. It’s been a doozer of a couple weeks since my return and today, when I finally could let up and start to catch up, I woke up with a sore throat. Everyone around me seems to have gotten sick lately, so I can’t blame a …