Here I was thinking I had a pretty good mental map of the space between McGill and Concordia downtown. But last night, after watching the very mediocre Unleashed (yes, I will be acquiring the Massive Attack soundtrack), we are walking down St. Catherine with a friend looking for a place to have a drink. We …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
My Face was Made for Radio
or so the T-shirt says. Today, I got to be on a Chicago Public Radio show about sound. For those of you who have slogged through The Audible Past, I don’t say anything new. But I do demonstrate remarkably self-restraint when during the call-in section I get a question about Walter Ong and the host …
The Library of Congress in New York City
File this one under “your cultural capital hard at work for you.” Last Wednesday, Carrie and I are crossing the border into the U.S. When the agent asks us what we are going to do in the United States, I say “we are going to a lecture at the Library of Congress.” This was, naturally, …
I’ve been in Montreal for 10 days — time for another trip!
This time to Washington D.C. for a family event, and we’re driving. We will supposedly have high speed internet in the room, in which case I’ll do some remote blogging over the weekend. If not, I’ll be back here next week in full summer mode. In the meantime, keep an eye on the Bad Subjects …
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I have to stop meeting like this Another weekend, another conference: this time it’s the mobile digital commons network symposium. Lots of interesting people on the bill but I confess to doing that annoying thing where I go to the party and show up to my panel and maybe one other and the rest of …
I Live in a Rogue Nation
I am, of course, talking about Canada’s rejection of the ridiculous provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright and the U.S.’s rejection of their rejection. The New York Times made it sound like Canada was a haven for pirates, thieves, and other nefarious figures would deprive U.S. capitalists of their rightful booty. Next thing you know, …
Update on the “I’m So Busy” Rant
So awhile back I complained about how busy I was, posted a list of projects and then got a comment from Dave Noon about how I get so much done. Well, don’t get carried away. Here’s the update on that to-do list: 1. Proposal for sound studies reader (the proposal is done and it will …