Extensive periods of melodic mellowness punctuated by periods of extreme riffage. Summary: rawk
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
An icon of the incompetence of the American Left
Tuesday night. I’ve been back in Montreal for less than a full day. I spent my day catching up on email and all that stuff that one catches up on upon returning from a trip. I had planned to attend a protest against Bush at 5:30 at the lovely plaza at the corner of Peel …
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The Great Questions of Our Times
Should one blog one’s own vacation? Isn’t that sort of beside the point? I don’t even know what to report. We’re here having a good time and relaxing. Most of our time has been spent at Carol and Mrak’s place (yes, it’s Mrak, not Mark) with occasional excursions to see other people, which will now …
Pittsburgh Bound
For the next five or six days, it’s going to be “An American in Montreal in Pittsburgh.” My hosts, Carol and Mrak, should have wireless internet access up and running in their household, so I should be capable of remote blogging. Yes, another example of how I’m not yet fully assimilated (like that would even …
Al Michaels just called Bill Belichick a genius. I need to find something to throw at the TV. At least the Cowboys are terrible enough that the announcers have to shut up about Parcells.
Football Update
A certain McGill professor to whom I shall heretofore refer as “Anonymous Football Fan” asked why I hadn’t blogged more about the NFL. I guess I haven’t had that much clever to say. First, let me make it clear that: a) Listening to Chris Berman call out the highlights is one of the supreme pleasures …
Not Yet Fully Assimilated
7:45pm. Carrie on couch, me in easy chair. ESPN football highlights on TV. Me: “Oh, the Grey Cup is probably still on right now. Want to watch the end?” Carrie: “Nah, I’d rather listen to Chris Berman.”