on the blog, but not in my life. I have been silent here while working away on a number of tasks. This week has featured a goodly number of meetings (all day M, about half of T), syllabus prep, housecleaning, and a potluck for my (and Carrie’s) grad students. The meetings were productive, as meetings …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Questions of the Evening
1. Why do I believe that I should not be tired even though I’ve had way more than an 8-hour day and got up early, to boot? 2. Should I organize my history of communication course chronologically or thematically? 3. Will the students actually be ready to plow through all the weird history I want …
A big update, eh?
Seems like the blog is due for it. I read a bunch of blogs most days, and yet they’re not up in the column. There’s a spambot going nuts in my comments (though Tobias has kindly suggested one possible solution). Winter break is coming, and this may happen. I just hope I don’t accidentally flush …
Tips for Eliminating Casino Spam?
It’s kind of arty, but it needs to go. It’s also automatic — it appears as soon as I post. By the time this thing goes up, there will be a comment about a casino.
My friend Greg D. is Awesome
Greg Dimitriadis and I went to grad school together. He’s a confidante, a partner in crime, and a lover of cats. He’s also amazingly prolific AND he’s the first person in our posse to have a book series all his own. Today, he sent me the following email. “Check this out— http://www.buffalo.edu/reporter/vol36/vol36n13/articles/GDimitriadis.html You should blog …
December Already?
One of the many wonderful things about Montreal is that we don’t have to drive much. The car is good for trips to the grocery store, the airport, or other places that public transit is a pain to take. But most of the time, it’s the bus-metro-assemblage that works for me. This sounds like a …
Brief ISIS Report
Extensive periods of melodic mellowness punctuated by periods of extreme riffage. Summary: rawk