Canadians: Tell the CRTC to regulate traffic shaping

Many Canadian Internet Service Providers practice traffic shaping during high-usage periods, which means that while they may sell you a connection at a particular speed (e.g., 10mbps), they may actively slow down your connection if you are using peer to peer software or doing something else they don’t like. To be clear: the regulation issue …

New Text

“James Carey and Resistance to Cultural Studies in North America,” Cultural Studies 23:2 (March 2009): 283-286. “Enemy Voice,” Social Text #96 25:3 (September 2008): 79-100. (this is the long-under-revision essay about recordings of Osama bin Laden; electronic copy not yet available on my end)

We Are The Gentrifiers

In comparing our building–a redone calendar factory–with the other dwellings in our neighborhood–more typical Montreal brick duplexes or triplexes–I often joke that we are the gentrifiers. But it’s actually not a joke at all. I knew this intellectually, but now it’s been driven home for me. We are now literally (in the literal sense of …

Some parts of the economic crisis might still have to do with overproduction

The academic gloom-and-doom stories are moving north. Fresh off a New York Times story about new PhDs having trouble finding jobs in a year when so many searches are being cancelled, the Globe and Mail reports (a few years too late) that maybe minting all those extra PhDs wasn’t such a great idea after all. …

A Glimpse of the Future of English-Language Higher Education

For obvious reasons, I can’t discuss many details of the admissions process to our graduate programs in Communication Studies in this space (so please don’t ask if you applied and are reading this). However, I must note a change this year which I think may foretell of something bigger to come down the road. Every …