Our fantasy football league draft was scheduled for 9pm. I have been working from home online all afternoon with no problem. At 8:45, as we’re getting ready, the modem goes down and says our Sympatico username is invalid. One hour on the phone with a script-reading tech support person and multiple resets and it finally …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Mobile Dataspace
Like about a bazillion other people, the iPhone’s worldwide breakout — and the hype around it — has caused me to consider the value of having a convergence device. I experimented once before with the HP iPaq Travel Companion, which is a lovely GPS device but Windows Mobile is incredibly kludgy, especially for things like …
Winning Season(!)
Thursday night, the False Consciousness, our departmental softball team, completed our first winning season. We did it by beating a team with a better record than we had (they were 4-2 coming in and we were 3-3) and knocking them out of the playoffs. Rather than composing my own narrative, I will repeat Greg “Coach” …
Phenomenology of the International Date Line
but first, this: There is something uncanny about flying for more than half a day and landing in Vancouver 3 hours earlier than when I left Sydney. UPDATE: I forgot to mention that we met someone who flew over the day before his birthday and when he arrived in Australia, it was the day after …
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What you almost missed
Hopefully I’ll have something more insightful to say about Australian culture after 3 weeks there. We leave tomorrow. I had hoped to entice a Francophone friend to take over the blog in my absence, to chronicle her attempts to get service in French at chain coffeeshops in NDG and Westmount (it’s funnier than it sounds), …
Cutting Edge Technology of the 80s
Wonder what the future of media looked like in Australia in 1986? Make sure your speakers aren’t turned up too loud and then wonder no longer: My favorite part (of course) is the CD, which comes at the end.
Blooper or Freudian Slip?
Names omitted to protect the innocent; otherwise copied verbatim: Dear Dr. Jonathan Sterne: Thank you so much for agreeing to participate in reviewing the tenure and promotion documents of —–. As you know, excellence in research activity is one of the most important areas of evaluation for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor and …