Medical Progress + More Medicine and Money

Today was a big medical day. I stayed home from the Center so that Ya-Ya could get his eye pressure checked (glaucoma) and I could talk with a local endocrinologist about my fatigue. We went over my blood results and determined that my TSH could be further suppressed (which means increasing my dose of synthroid) …

Srsly wtf

It’s a weird stage of life when one hopes for blood tests to return a result indicating that something is wrong. Well, nothing’s wrong. I don’t have any detectable tumor marker — which is awesome. My thyroid hormones are right where they should be, which also should be awesome. Except I don’t feel awesome. And …

Good News, Fishing for Bad

Brazil was amazing, as expected. Rio is a very interesting and intense city, my hosts were wonderful, the experience was totally unforgettable and I hope to go back. My visa is good for 10 years. Yesterday I went to the radiation oncologist for followup. He pronounced me fine and said not to come back; and …