California Crazy

Shortly after our arrival in our new neighborhood, we went out to the car to find this envelope affixed to the windshield: Clearly someone had noticed the Quebec license plates. Inside was the following letter: Welcome to Silicon Valley, where everyone has a startup company and is an entrepreneurial genius.* Which means, of course, that …

Me in California, The Audible Past in Korean, and “The MP3 as Cultural Artifact” in Portuguese

As you read this, we (that’s Carrie, me and the cat) are airborne over North America, destined for our new temporary digs in Mountain View (and at Stanford).  The last few weeks have been as “full time” as I can remember between work and socializing.  It’s good to be back in “normal” but I’m definitely …


I am now officially at the “I am sick of this shit and ready for it to be done” point. This is the feeling I remember vividly from February: an absolute surplus of will and energy, all driving at getting me out. Of course, my confinement is only temporal now, with a 2.5 hour hole …