Some Cran Bread to Tide You Over

My mind is just brimming with ideas for this blog, especially as we roll into our 3rd summer (2nd full) in Montreal. Reflections on my big course this term and the project of mass education that universities have undertaken; reflections on our “settling” here and changing knowledge of the city; a few technological matters in …

A Few Thoughts on the Virginia Tech Massacre

Despite my taste for violence in fiction, I have a very limited appetite for mediatic violence when it corresponds to something that actually happened. Which is to say that I’m not particularly a news junkie when it comes to disaster and monstrosity and thus have not been following the Virginia Tech Massacre beyond reading enough …

Here Come the Leaping Lesbians

For each academic year since I’ve become a professor, the end of classes has been punctuated by a rock show. I have fond memories of sitting on the Carnegie-Mellon lawn in Pittsburgh, lazily watching a lukewarm set by Superchunk. Another year we drove to Cleveland to watch Shiner (one of my favorite bands at the …

The point being made. . .

I just finished reading a comprehensive exam answer in which the student refers to Lewis Mumford’s notion of “biotechnics,” which he elaborates at the end of The Myth of the Machine. For Mumford, biotechnics is an attempt to subordinate technological development to the rules of life instead of the rules of math, an attempt as …