Carrie leads 13-3-3. It is starting to be a blowout.
Category Archives: Text
Happiness Theory
Steven Rubio links to a Pew Foundation Study on happiness in America. Among other things, it suggests that there’s a connection between wealth (or income anyway) and reporting of happiness. Here’s the methodological issue — are people who report that they’re happy actually happy? This is a classic problem of social survey analysis based on …
Whale Butt + Flush Your Cache + New Text
Whale Butt Okay, it’s not really a whale’s butt per se, but its back. One of the highlights of our trip was a whale-watching tour with open-air expeditions. While others piled into their commercial boats with blasting music, we got into this tiny rubber boat (the pics on the company’s website make it look bigger …
Su-pair Gone
As in, I’m taking off for a week to Puerto Vallarta and doubt I’ll be posting. Perhaps some pics when I’m back. Some strange things may happen to the blog while I’m gone. You’ve been warned.
Testing the Next Step
So the deal is that I have been planning a podcast for some time. It will mostly consist of interviews with people I find interesting. Maybe there will be some music as well, though I see it as more of an intellectual than an artistic exercise. That could change. Anyway, I met with my designer …
The Best Valentine’s Day Present Ever
Today we got the call from the vet tht Tet does not have cancer. I am so relieved. He does have “nodular hyperplasia of the pancreas,” which is apparently not great but not that big of a deal. We’ve got him on some medication for his, ah, plumbing, and we’ll see how he does. I …