Turns out McGill University sold cigarettes to build an athletic complex.
Category Archives: Text
And a small work-related thought
Since the new book is a short book, I’m skipping around from section to section as I write. Thing is, I find myself obsessed with the introduction. part of it is even pretty good (which is really early for this to be happening) but I am at once captivated by the need to work on …
At the Grocery Store
and now another post about domestic labor. When I need a supermarket, I shop at this huge, lovely Loblaw’s over in the old train station on the east side of town (rue Rachel, for the locals). Although Carrie sometime comes with, I’ve done the majority of grocery shopping for years now. Shortly before I left …
Some Group of Business Students 21, False Consciousness 7 (Or, My New Hobby)
We only lost by two touchdowns. Too bad we were playing softball, not football. Actually Coach Greg figured out that if you leave out the two early innings where we were subject to the mercy rule (the inning’s over when a team scores 7 runs), it was a tie game. — It was a beautiful, …
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Holy Moving Faders, Batman
You may recall a post a month or more ago extolling my excitement at acquiring this item: Well, I spent some time yesterday actually using it. I don’t mean figuring out how to use it — which I had been doing (and I still have a lot to learn) — but working on an actual …
Swiffer Theory
A guest entry by Carrie. I feel I need to take the opportunity to share with you all a strange realization I had just this morning while assembling my new Swiffer Wet Jet, a “power mop” I asked my mate to purchase for me to ease the terrible burden of mopping 1500 sq. ft. of …
Farewell to a Medium; Or, Destroying My Library
Yes, that’s an obligatory reference to Benjamin’s essay on unpacking his library. But it’s a different story, you see. At some point when I was moving around during my undergrad years, I dumped my entire collection of cassette tapes into a giant box. the kind you put your kitchen dishes into. ALL of them. Immediately …
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