Last Thought on the Way Out the Door

A couple years back, I called my American Long Distance provider to inquire about calling card rates for various parts of Europe. I was put through to the international division. The rep I spoke with was happy to help me but had never heard of Prague or Zagreb. Today, I call Fido Wireless to activate …

I’ve been in Montreal for 10 days — time for another trip!

This time to Washington D.C. for a family event, and we’re driving. We will supposedly have high speed internet in the room, in which case I’ll do some remote blogging over the weekend. If not, I’ll be back here next week in full summer mode. In the meantime, keep an eye on the Bad Subjects …

Update on the “I’m So Busy” Rant

So awhile back I complained about how busy I was, posted a list of projects and then got a comment from Dave Noon about how I get so much done. Well, don’t get carried away. Here’s the update on that to-do list: 1. Proposal for sound studies reader (the proposal is done and it will …