I’m in the somewhat laborious process of decommissioning files from two books. I hate sorting through paper. I’m organized inside computers, not outside them. There are tons of things that were important at the time and can now be recycled, including these two pages (which as you can see from the scan-through are already recycled drafts of “What If Interactivity Is the New Passivity?”). I won’t bother you with scans of the manuscript in its various different stages, but the materiality of print is hard to ignore when surveying the masses of paper that were produced before the final book was put into print. Reduced to an incunabulum, my copy of the advance version of the book (ie, bound, uncorrected proofs for reviewers) has been retired to the Museum of Quirky Communication Technologies With a Special Emphasis on the Obsolete, at least until I think of a better home for it. The Sound Studies Reader, though longer, produced less paper in my home and office. If you include the piles of paper produced by all the authors in the preparation and original publication of their essays, it would yield an awesome mountain.