This is one of those things that should be easy to find in an internet search but isn’t. Luckily, they had it at the music store. The sound quality isn’t great, but I suspect that comes from DSL. It seems to have worked fine for an intelligible 2.5 hour conversation, though. Woo hoo. It’s also nice and solid and probably good for defending yourself against home invasions.
In other news, I discovered a new megaplex in town that has movies in English. Well, it’s new to me. Marché Centrale. The place is absolutely insane, even by whatever scale on measures multiplexes. There’s bowling, bumper cars and beaver tails to be had. Carrie and I split the reservoir-sized for $4.50. Those places should just print money and get it over with.
We saw Miami Vice, which I am convinced is really a movie about transportation. Carrie says the show was too but I don’t remember.