Speaking of School Starting

I’ve finally put the finishing touches on my sound studies syllabus, which is here, for the interested. After messing around with various approaches, I’ve gone back to the required/recommended model, which assures that students can do a reasonable amount of reading in a week, but also points to other stuff that might be essential in …

New Text

“The Historiography of Cyberculture” in Critical Cyberculture Studies eds. David Silver and Adienne Massanari, 17-28. New York: NYU Press, 2006. Carrie’s dad arrives in a few hours. I’m off to the Music Library for some good, wholesome fun with reference materials. Not enough time. I’m cleaning my office until Carrie comes to pick me up.

Vanity, Thy Price is $6.95 a year

What am I talking about? Check this out — a new address: http://superbon.net or http://superbon.org. I can’t decide which to make the actual address. I think I like .net, but then it’s already sterneworks.org. I so should not be spending time thinking about this. I mostly did it because Wired told me to. No questions …

Also, I’m back on track with titles

….for a conference called “Technologies of the Diva” next March, “Sex and the Sound Test: A Short History” Get your mind out of the gutter. I meant secondary sexual characteristics, like pitch of voice. What did you think I was going to discuss? Also, I wish to share this morning’s surprise. Upon a careful reading …