Study of Speech and Hearing at Bell Telephone Laboratories: The Fletcher Years Technical Memoranda Issued by Acoustics Research Laboratory, Harvard University 1947-1971 Let me tell you, there are some smoking tracks on these releases. — Tomorrow, I may actually break the country barrier and purchase a Neko Case CD. Technically, it’s already broken since we …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Meanwhile, elsewhere on Sterneworks. . . .
I haven’t been blogging much the past couple days as I’ve been using my blog time to update other parts of the site. As job season will soon be beginning, I thought it was time for my annual update of the “Professionalization” section of my website. There’s a bunch of new stuff up there — …
Continue reading “Meanwhile, elsewhere on Sterneworks. . . .”
In other news
The new Tool album comes with a stereoscope. The pictures are kind of gnarly but I like the idea.
More Anti-Immigrant Stuff
In the past few months, I’ve been personally present for several nasty anti-immigrant comments, which I guess I never blogged about. I won’t right now, except to say that there’s a real nativist streak that runs across the whole political spectrum in Canada. Despite the talk about multiculturalism and being a nation of immigrants, there …
And While We’re Talking About the Barnacle of Higher Ed. . .
Here’s a little parody.
More on Academic Blogging
The Barnacle of Higher Ed has been covering the controversy over academic blogging (or doing their best to manufacture one) for over a year now. The latest is a symposium on whether blogging “damaged” Juan Cole’s career. Cole is a middle east expert and a full professor at the University of Michigan. The “damage”? Apparently …
Disembodied Fish
Stanley Fish’s op-ed in today’s New York Times(1) argues that professors must separate themselves from their subject matter in the classroom. I believe we have some professional duties which require us to put our “selves” aside (for instance, not grading down students for disagreeing with us) but I also think that there are times when …