
My friend Dave Noon is once again auctioning off Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. It got him permanently banned from ebay last year. Check it out at http://page.auctions.shopping.yahoo.com/auction/89532071?aucview=0x70.

Torture Chic

No whimsical commentary today. Along with 13 other people, Aaron Shuman, with whom I collaborated at Bad Subjects as a co-editor and co-director, begins a 4-month prison sentence today for protesting against the United States’ sponsorship of torture in other countries. Read my Bad Subjects editorial here.

Almost a week has gone by and there’s no report from the provinces; will we lose the colony?

And I’m still not caught up on other people’s blogs. Guess that’s what happens when you have a party and don’t work on the weekend. It’s been a great but busy week, including three nights out (though last night was spontaneous). Movie nite featured Be Cool which ought to have been entitled Be Lame. The …


and I don’t mean McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. –Last night we threw a party for the ages. It was outstanding, massive and eminently positive. I am a little woozy today but in that good way that one is. As I said to Carrie, “I am quite pleased with us.” Our new friends …