A student for whom I write recommendations has landed an interview at a doctorate-granting institution. In discussing the differences between this arrangement and others, it brought me back to my first time I had to emotionally confront the idea that I might one day supervise graduate students. I was on an interview at Michigan Tech …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Excerpt from Mitt Romny’s Concession Speech Translated into Leet
l@$T Y34R, CP4C g@ve Me t3h 5ENdofPH 1 N3eD3d. i w@$ 1N 51N9L3 D1g1t5 In +3h P0Ll$ 4nd i WA$ f4C1nG H0u5EHoLD R3pu8L1c4n n4mE5. 4$ Of +OD4Y, M0rE +h@N 4 miLLI0n P30ple H4VE 91VeN m3 +h3IR V0te Ph0R pR3$1D3nT, LES5 +H@N 53n@t0R MCc4in’5 4.7 m1ll1on, BUT KWI+e @ $T4+3MeN+ nON3th3le55. 11 $TAT35 HAvE G1Ven me …
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This Week I Accidentally Met a Student Life Professional
Oso Raro has an awesome post about the gap between faculty and student life professionals here. It comes at a good time because this week I had a rare encounter with that side of the university. I got an email last Friday that so-and-so, head of some series of services [1], wanted to meet with …
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More Criticism of Sage
courtesy of danah boyd. I’ve long thought about moving to only open-access journals, though a combination of vanity (there are some journals I want to place stuff in just to say I did it) and willingness to support others’ publishing endeavors will probably not let me make it an absolute.
Super Tuesday
I am not sure I’m comfortable with its linkage to the Super Bowl. Fox was actually running ads suggesting that people watch their coverage of both football and the election, like they were related. Much as I delighted in seeing the Patriots lose the big one (and special thanks to the Giants for not talking …
5-à-7s and Vegetarianism: Two Montreal Stories
Two responses to the last post merit a post of their own: 1. David asks “What’s a 5-à-7?” The simple answer: a cocktail party that occurs between the hours of 5 and 7pm. Except people seem to mostly drink wine at these things. Spelled cinq-à-sept and pronounced by anglos everywhere as something closer to “Sanka …
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Snowed in Stroganoff
Last night Carrie had excellent Friday night plans. We were going to a 5-à-7 and then to catch dinner and movie downtown. Well, the weather pretty much killed that ideas and the 5-à-7 was cancelled, so we decided we’d cook something nice and stay in and watch stuff on TV. All evening we could hear …