My initial post on the subject has actually made the rounds at McGill and some people are talking about ways to fix things. I appreciate that. In followup correspondence, I listed some other things I hate about WebCT, and since the first post was a hit at least three people, I thought I’d post these …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Road Runner Moment; or, “Same Spot, Different Car”
That giant snow drift with the person walking by? There’s a car under there, and that’s where we were parked for the last snowstorm. I don’t know if it comes out well in the picture but from our window, you can see the antenna — but that’s all. We wised up and put our car …
Continue reading “Road Runner Moment; or, “Same Spot, Different Car””
Real Estate Part VIII: Denouemont
After the Mont-Royal disappointment, we continued looking. We began settling in for the long haul. After all, it was coming up on a year of looking and we hadn’t found the place of our dreams. On the first Sunday in June, Carrie was out of town but I saw a few promising places in the …
Baseball scandal
I know I’m supposed to be scandalized by the latest revelations, assuming they’re true (right now, they are unsubstantiated allegations). And yet, I can’t help feel that there’s a kind of arbitrary logic at work here. Some kinds of drugs are okay, others are not. Last I checked, nobody is going after University of Florida …
Soon Available en Español
Finally, a language other than English that I can sort of pronounce.
R is for Responsibility
Yesterday’s Gazette featured an article entitled “Professor Shortage Looming, Feds Told: Schools Urged to Boost Post-Grad Ranks by 35%” The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada made its annual pitch for more federal money by saying that we try to lure in more than 150,000 postgraduate students because nearly have the country’s 40,000 professors …
Deep Reflections on AHCS X-Mas Party
Coolest. Department. Ever.