Cast back out into the forest, we went back to looking for unusual places. One popped up in the paper that seemed intriguing. On Mont-Royal Est, it was a couple blocks east of the heart of the Plateau, not far from the Mont-Royal Metro and located near lots of shops and services. There was even …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Real Estate Part VI: The Spring of Our Discontent
I’ve decided that it’s worth concluding this series in proper form even though it’s been awhile because at least 3 of this blog’s readers (which, for all I know, is a good portion of the readership) asked for it. To see where we left off in the story, have a look at Real Estate Part …
Continue reading “Real Estate Part VI: The Spring of Our Discontent”
When I logged into vdeck to upload my photo, I was informed by ipowerweb (my hosting service) that my account was being “migrated” to a new server and that it was in the “quality assurance stage.” This can only mean one thing: something will go totally haywire with my website in the next few days …
A Couple Montreal Moments
1. The “Wile E. Coyote” Moment. Although Slavoj Zizek apparently prefers those moments when Wile E. Coyote has gone over a cliff but not yet discovered he is about to fall, I prefer moments of sheer, deliberate denial. In the climactic moment of his run-in with Bugs Bunny, he is inside a train car, praising …
Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken
I just received a spam that said “you have no need to look for a reliable online drug store.”
Why I Hate WebCT, Part I
This may or may not become a series depending on how much bile I have left over after the term ends. If you’re lucky, it won’t be a series. I do really hate WebCT. It being 2007 and everything, I figured there must be an easier way to manage multiple choice exams than to put …
3 Trips in November = Quiet Blog
Looking ahead, I see that I have no academic travel scheduled for winter term until mid-April when I embark on the first of two speaking tours in 2008 (UK/Netherlands and Australia). There is the small matter of a trip to Mexico over McGill’s “Study Break” (you can’t call it “spring break” since it’s in February) …