Hot Weather Thoughts

–I always notice that the internet connection is slower when there’s bad weather. Lots of rain, lots of heat, whatever. What’s up with that, sympatico? –It is always hotter by at least one magnitude when you’re walking around on a sunbathed sidewalk downtown in the middle of the day. Bad idea #157 –There is something …

Sick Men Neglect Their Blogs

Nothing serious, just a summer cold. I hate summer colds. It’s beautiful out and I’ve got a head full of sand. I know colds aren’t restricted to winter, but they should be. Summer’s my time. Today I feel some improvement, though. I think I’ll leave the apartment. Speaking of leaving the apartment, Thursday was our …

The Real Reason CDs Are 74 Minutes Long

I’m not much for using the blog to share works in progress or even discoveries that I hope to share in print, but this one’s too good not to get out there right away. So today while working on The Book I stumbled across this article, which is recommended reading for anyone interested in the …

Ottawa Theory

I’m here in Ottawa while Carrie attends a meeting of the Law Commission of Canada. The plan was to hang out in the hotel room and write, but the reality is that I’m more in sit-somewhere-and-read-and-wander-around mood. And so I have. Yesterday, while waiting to cross the canal on Rideau St., I got stuck in …