Researchers Play Tune Recorded Before Edison UPDATE (Saturday): It’s now making it’s way around AP. I talked to an LA Times reporter yesterday and have a few quotes in their story, though they are of mixed quality and the guy appears to think that McGill is in West Montreal (a loaded error if there ever …
Category Archives: Text
An Organizational System That Works (for me, sort of)
As promised in the last post. The next one will be about television. I’ve mentioned my ongoing struggle to be more organized elsewhere on this blog. The chair position has forced the issue and I think I have a system that sort of works. It’s not perfect, but it’s alright. Keep in mind I hate …
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A Day in the Life
What a day yesterday was. Very admin, but also very Montreal. Blog’s been quite lately as I’ve had lots going on. Here’s one day. Some times are approximate. 7:10am: Wake up, get ready, get to school. 8:30: Breakfast with the provost and six other department chairs. Conversation ranges across various administrative initiatives. This is a …
Last night, Carrie and went and watched our departmental hockey team lose a game in a shootout, 4-3. There was beer and peanuts. I’m not sure, but this may be the most Canadian thing we have ever done. Also, it’s extremely Canadian that the dept has a co-ed amateur hockey team.
Academic Labor Politics in the Air
It must be the season or something. Today, our TA union staged a demonstration outside the front gates in support of their ongoing contract negotiations. McGill teaching assistants are quite underpaid compared to their counterparts at other Canadian universities and “R1” universities in the U.S. It’s a Quebec thing, since they’re better paid than TAs …
That’s what happens when I make promises. . .
. . .that I can’t keep. But it’s been quite a couple weeks, as we’ve gone from lizard. . . > (on the grounds of the resort where we were staying)… …to yet another blizzard, this one putting us within 30cm of the all-time record for snowfall. Here’s a pic of where we would have …
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This week’s blog topic: our vacation in Mexico
That’s the plan anyway, if I can get the time free to write (even though I swore I was done with book reviews, I’m finishing a review of Steven Wurtzler’s Electric Sounds for Cinema Journal). In the meantime, I would like to briefly comment on two things only loosely vacation-related: 1. The Orlando airport is …
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