Real Estate Part VIII: Denouemont

After the Mont-Royal disappointment, we continued looking. We began settling in for the long haul. After all, it was coming up on a year of looking and we hadn’t found the place of our dreams. On the first Sunday in June, Carrie was out of town but I saw a few promising places in the …

R is for Responsibility

Yesterday’s Gazette featured an article entitled “Professor Shortage Looming, Feds Told: Schools Urged to Boost Post-Grad Ranks by 35%” The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada made its annual pitch for more federal money by saying that we try to lure in more than 150,000 postgraduate students because nearly have the country’s 40,000 professors …

Real Estate Part VI: The Spring of Our Discontent

I’ve decided that it’s worth concluding this series in proper form even though it’s been awhile because at least 3 of this blog’s readers (which, for all I know, is a good portion of the readership) asked for it. To see where we left off in the story, have a look at Real Estate Part …