Ten Things that happened or that I learned on our 8-day trip to Seattle

1. I wrote a sentence in my book about how depending on what country you’re in, you get a totally different view of the psychoacoustic research leading up to mp3 coding (though the concepts — masking, critical bands, etc., are all the same). Then Lucent (the fools who closed Bell Labs) won a suit against …


There used to be a whole post here about my Carbondale trip. Now there isn’t. Hmmm. I’m off to Seattle for 8 days tomorrow, but I hope to get to post my photo essay about the anechoic chamber. We’ll see.

Off to Carbondale + Even Apple Thinks DRM is a Terrible Idea

Tomorrow I head off for Carbondale, Illinois to give a talk at their Center for Global Media. While there, I may have a chance to visit an anaechoic chamber. I hope I get to! In the meantime, I leave you with this new twist from Apple. For years, their iTunes Music Store has been solidly …

…and a good halftime show, to boot

Yes, it’s nice that the Colts finally won even though they think god did it (that’s an old one) and Peyton’s a republican. And they bailed on Baltimore. But the halftime show was simply outstanding. Definitely the best I’ve ever seen. I’d forgotten what a great performer Prince is. I will have to dig out …

Not Exactly New Text

My essay “Urban Media and the Politics of Sound Space” appeared last year in the journal Open. It’s now available for free online, though the formatting is a little off. This is a revised version of the talk I’d been giving for years on the use of Muzak to chase people out of public spaces.

Misc and a Recipe

By now it would be passé to comment on the professor who claimed that bloggers were lonely and futile. Besides, how are you supposed to defend that? It’s the classic setup. On the other hand, to lump in all blogs together would be like to say “all people who write for magazines.” My response: Salon.com …