So the writing thing has been going well and I’m hopelessly behind on email (sorry if you’re waiting for one, it just means I had to think about something you wrote). We’ve got a guest in town this week from grad school (she’s now a librarian at Cornell) and will do some fun tooling around …
Category Archives: Text
The New Regime
This is a boring post about my work process and issues therein. My main goal this summer is to write. And lead a relatively unhurried life. Everything else is icing on the cake. I’ve got this book on the mp3 format that has been simmering for two years now. I’ve got loads of material and …
I really do love team sports so long as nobody cares if we win
On a not-so-hot midsummer night (last night, to be precise), I had the pleasure of taking the field with the False Consciousness for their second softball game of the season. It was by some measures a success. I set a personal goal that we lose by less than 10 runs. We lost 24-15. We were …
Continue reading “I really do love team sports so long as nobody cares if we win”
Back in Effect
It’s been a long month (more like 5 weeks) and I have much to report on. But since my return on Sunday, my writing efforts have turned to the book and a Bad Subjects oped linked below. The blog shall not suffer for long, though, as it is really summer now. Which means, among other …
New Text
1. A Bad Subjects op-ed on Christy Blatchford’s racist column from Monday’s Globe and Mail 2. “Lost recordings / Les enregistrements perdus” in Traces, ed. Nicole Gringas, 73-92. Montreal: Galerie Leonard and Bina Ellen, 2006.
Twenty-Four Final Score (Spoiler Alert)
Last night we watched the last two episodes of the season, and I can now report that Carrie has beaten us handily. Final score: Carrie “We don’t have time”: 34 Mystery Guest “We don’t have a choice” and “Oh my God, Jack”*: 19 Me “You’re going to have to trust me” and “I have a …
With Apologies to Susan Buck-Morss
Remember in the late 80s and early 90s when everyone was making a big deal about the flaneur? Article after artice that looked for similarities between the shopping mall and Benjamin’s (even then) nostalgic vision of the Paris arcades? I saw this sign today in the underground city, which is a giant, interconnected web of …