Lost Wallets and Plot Questions

So tonight Carrie’s wallet was stolen while we dined at Basha on St. Catherine. Her bag was literally right next to the table the whole time. Someone was very tricky. There were a couple charges one credit card, but that was dispatched quickly and there was only $10 in the wallet, so it’s more PITA …

“Jenny?!? C’est un bon nom Francophone!”

Saturday night, we got dinner with two friends, who’d taken the liberty of buying us tickets to the very entertaining Kiss My Cabaret for afterward. KMC turns out to be a lot funnier than the old performance art revue Balls that we attended several times long ago when we lived in Minneapolis. I remember Balls …

The Most Canadian Thing Ever?

I arrive on campus this sunny afternoon to witness the spectacle of the first day of school. Undergraduates everywhere, corporations hawking their logos and free food, one sorry frat trying to get people to eat hot dogs. As I walk up the hill toward the Arts Building (which houses my office), I pass the giant …