Axis of Evil Knievel has been reduced to a “this day in history” blog, but its catalog of horrors is really something to behold. I almost linked to a post last week. Today’s is too much not to share.
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
I know things have been quiet around here recently. Mostly, I’m hunkering down and working around here while we’re inbetween houseguests. I’ve got a pile of other people’s writing I’m working through today as I passively ponder how best to present the material in the chapter I’m currently revising/developing, which of the 1000 readings I …
Hump Day
I woke up this morning intending to write a little bit and catch up on a pile of things to read on my desk. I accomplished neither thing, instead cleaning out my inbox (which is good as a bunch of things had been waiting) and dealing with an avalanche of administrativa (ditto, though today had …
Counterfeit Chic
Courtesy Sivacracy (and the New York Times, I guess), a blog about fashion which shows that the intellectual property issues are every bit as alive there as they are in the world of digital music: Counterfeit Chic.
Speed Conferencing or, “I had a nice ASA; how was yours?”
Yes, it’s like speed dating, only a conference. The American Sociological Association is having its annual meeting in Montreal. I’ve never been to ASA before but it appears to follow the rules of other large association conferences. Those rules, as far as I can follow, go something like this: –>the least important thing that happens …
Continue reading “Speed Conferencing or, “I had a nice ASA; how was yours?””
My solution to the phone recording problem
This is one of those things that should be easy to find in an internet search but isn’t. Luckily, they had it at the music store. The sound quality isn’t great, but I suspect that comes from DSL. It seems to have worked fine for an intelligible 2.5 hour conversation, though. Woo hoo. It’s also …
Continue reading “My solution to the phone recording problem”
And now for something completely different. . .
. . . a powerpoint on library cart safety. It gets better toward the end.