For some time now, a digest called “IN THE NEWS” appears in my mailbox each morning with news items of interest to people working at McGill (plus, naturally, all the “expert citings” since the university keeps track of that sort of thing). In today’s digest, two apparently unrelated stories appeared. –A <a href=”,0,983101.story” target=”_blank>profile</a> …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Why I hate WebCT, Part III
This is part of an <a href=”″>ongoing</a> <a href=”″>series</a>. Coursepacks are due at the bookstore in mid July, and so I thought I’d get my big course together on time for a change, since I only require a few changes. So I started plotting out my calendar for the year. I go into WebCT …
More on the Writing Process
Today’s a slow writing day, which is to be expected since I’m not technically in the middle of something. I “finished” a draft of chapter 2, except that what I thought was going to fit into chapter 2 has now split into chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 3 is a bit tough because I have …
Back in the Saddle
Since returning from Minnesota, life at our place has been all about writing, at least as much as possible. Carrie has actually been on a roll for months and will send out her book manuscript for review before we leave for Australia in July. As for me, I haven’t had this much sustained time to …
A Montréal List
I’ve never done the “hey, welcome to my 638th post” sort of thing on this blog, but this marks our fourth summer in Montreal. With increasing frequency (probably because this was a big year for conferences in town) we get asked about places to go and things to do. So I’ve started a “Montréal List” …
Our Metro Stop
Midnight Poutine has been running a “metro roulette” series for some time where they review metro stations (they’re not the only ones, it turns out). I remember reading the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Jarry</a> entry some time ago and lsat night for some reason had occasion to point Carrie to it. The author does a quick walkabout …
“New look, huh? That’s nice.”
Nothing like a quote from a Prince song to brighten your day. I took advantage of the loss of my old formatting and picked up a new WordPress theme called “NeoClassical” and customized it to my liking. The coolest part is that the header image is selected randomly from a bank of images. I’ve only …