Speed Conferencing or, “I had a nice ASA; how was yours?”

Yes, it’s like speed dating, only a conference. The American Sociological Association is having its annual meeting in Montreal. I’ve never been to ASA before but it appears to follow the rules of other large association conferences. Those rules, as far as I can follow, go something like this: –>the least important thing that happens …

My solution to the phone recording problem

This is one of those things that should be easy to find in an internet search but isn’t. Luckily, they had it at the music store. The sound quality isn’t great, but I suspect that comes from DSL. It seems to have worked fine for an intelligible 2.5 hour conversation, though. Woo hoo. It’s also …

Bed and Breakfast in Full Effect

We’ve got a steady stream of visitors coming until mid-month. But I’ll try and keep it together. In the meantime, tV reminds me that if you were wondering about the Harper administration’s agenda for higher education, their initial big idea is a plan to make Canada the first country ever to pull out of the …

Meanwhile, elsewhere on Sterneworks. . . .

I haven’t been blogging much the past couple days as I’ve been using my blog time to update other parts of the site. As job season will soon be beginning, I thought it was time for my annual update of the “Professionalization” section of my website. There’s a bunch of new stuff up there — …

More on Academic Blogging

The Barnacle of Higher Ed has been covering the controversy over academic blogging (or doing their best to manufacture one) for over a year now. The latest is a symposium on whether blogging “damaged” Juan Cole’s career. Cole is a middle east expert and a full professor at the University of Michigan. The “damage”? Apparently …