Some Cran Bread to Tide You Over

My mind is just brimming with ideas for this blog, especially as we roll into our 3rd summer (2nd full) in Montreal. Reflections on my big course this term and the project of mass education that universities have undertaken; reflections on our “settling” here and changing knowledge of the city; a few technological matters in …

Misc and a Recipe

By now it would be passé to comment on the professor who claimed that bloggers were lonely and futile. Besides, how are you supposed to defend that? It’s the classic setup. On the other hand, to lump in all blogs together would be like to say “all people who write for magazines.” My response: …

More “Crippling”(1) of Digital Content

So I just went to the iTunes Store to purchase the new Elders of Zion EP. Elders of Zion is the musical project of my friend and longtime collaborator Joel Schalit (who also has a new blog), and I was excited to get the album. Now, normally I don’t buy from iTunes in general, since …