Atheistic Drinks at Lunch on Campus

So I was speaking on the phone with a friend last night who has just moved from Canada to take an academic job in the U.S. So I did to her what all the Canadians did to me when we arrived here. “So? What’s it like? What are the differences? Have you considered starting a …

My Soundbite

I’ve already had two calls from reporters today asking about the impact of cellphones, blogging, wikis, etc. on the shooting and the events surrounding it. After supplying the real answer, which elicits a “yeah but” from the reporter, I supply what I imagine are the usual answers for someone in my position, with whatever critical …

More Thoughts on Violence

This is just an addendum. When I said “Americans,” I should have said “white Americans” and middle class white Americans to boot. I think it was Jerry G. Watts who, in an edited collection on the riots following the Rodney King verdict, wrote about the considerably more precarious experience of being poor and black in …

A few words on violence

I’d hoped to write something profound on the 5th anniversary of 9-11-01 but nothing came out. Thus, I’m passing you on to Axis of Evil Knievel for commentary on that day. In the comments, he concedes that WWI may have been stupider than this third Gulf War. At this time of year, I also need …

Somebody Sold Us Out

I just ended our second telemarking call in three days, after receiving no such calls in over two years of Quebec residence. I suspect that someone has recently sold (and bought) our information. And unless someone can correct me, Canada is behind the U.S. in at least one respect: in the U.S. we were able …