Still need Canadian help, but now I can accept it.

First, apologies to those who tried to comment on the last post and couldn’t. I accidentally checked a box that is now unchecked in the control panel, so please, Canadians, I still need your help. How can I, a nonvoter, help prevent a conservative majority? I don’t have a lot to say about the beginning …

NFL in Toronto? Reports of the death of the CFL are greatly exaggerated + Telcos are lame

I confess that when reading sports sections, I tend to prefer to read stuff about the business of sport over the stuff about players. For the past few weeks, there has been a buzz in the Canadian press (especially the Globe and Mail) about the possibility of a group of Toronto businessmen purchasing the Buffalo …

…and a good halftime show, to boot

Yes, it’s nice that the Colts finally won even though they think god did it (that’s an old one) and Peyton’s a republican. And they bailed on Baltimore. But the halftime show was simply outstanding. Definitely the best I’ve ever seen. I’d forgotten what a great performer Prince is. I will have to dig out …

Misc and a Recipe

By now it would be passé to comment on the professor who claimed that bloggers were lonely and futile. Besides, how are you supposed to defend that? It’s the classic setup. On the other hand, to lump in all blogs together would be like to say “all people who write for magazines.” My response: …