Somehow I thought I’d get a bunch of writing done this month. Instead, I accomplished a lot of entertaining (of candidates and guests), many and varied chairing tasks and a little bit of writing. Which is better than nothing, certainly. After a bunch of interviews, we moved on to hosting Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler …
Category Archives: Text
Capsule Reviews of Expensive Restaurants (from a vegetarian perspective)
I promise that this isn’t going to turn into an annoying foodie blog. It’s just that my life has been consumed lately with matters that can’t be blogged about, like a search. But one of the plus sides of interviewing job candidates is the opportunity to go out to expensive restaurants that I might not …
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Can “owl of Minerva” be used as a verb?
Today, I put something approximating finishing touches on an essay that’s been on the backburner for too long, since I had never promised it to anyone and never set a deadline for myself. It about the circulation of recordings of Osama bin Laden’s voice in the western (mostly U.S.) media and I’ve been working on …
Not Entirely Safe For Work
Instructional brochure for malls. Instructional brochure for offices. Courtesy of Zack Furness.
Needed: TV Recommendations
In a couple weeks Carrie and I will be in Mexico for a much needed vacation for a week. We will spend our days in the sun by the pool or listening to the ocean, and our nights watching TV on DVD (or off BitTorrent). Okay, there will also probably be tourism and shopping. What …
Interview Flashback
A student for whom I write recommendations has landed an interview at a doctorate-granting institution. In discussing the differences between this arrangement and others, it brought me back to my first time I had to emotionally confront the idea that I might one day supervise graduate students. I was on an interview at Michigan Tech …
Excerpt from Mitt Romny’s Concession Speech Translated into Leet
l@$T Y34R, CP4C g@ve Me t3h 5ENdofPH 1 N3eD3d. i w@$ 1N 51N9L3 D1g1t5 In +3h P0Ll$ 4nd i WA$ f4C1nG H0u5EHoLD R3pu8L1c4n n4mE5. 4$ Of +OD4Y, M0rE +h@N 4 miLLI0n P30ple H4VE 91VeN m3 +h3IR V0te Ph0R pR3$1D3nT, LES5 +H@N 53n@t0R MCc4in’5 4.7 m1ll1on, BUT KWI+e @ $T4+3MeN+ nON3th3le55. 11 $TAT35 HAvE G1Ven me …
Continue reading “Excerpt from Mitt Romny’s Concession Speech Translated into Leet”