The Besnard Lakes and Dears were outstanding. The Dears were TIGHT. That was our jazzfest for the year, I think. For the inbetween country-rock band (not our thing) we walked around the festival. I don’t know about this whole “crowd” thing.
Category Archives: Text
3 Banal Thoughts on 10-Digit Dialing
For those who don’t know, Montreal went to 10-digit phone dialing this month. 1. When I moved here, I enjoyed the 7-digit phone number as kind of rustic. There’s some kind of threshold between 7 and 10 numbers on the phone. Or maybe that there was a tactile distinction between local and long distance calling, …
MRI Phenomenology
This is a couple days overdue. I mentioned before certain knee and ankle issues which have led me to see a doctor. The knee looks good under the x-ray which means it’s some kind of soft tissue thing. So I was sent off for an MRI on Friday. For those of you who don’t know, …
The End of Authorship. . . .or just reading?
In today’s NYTimes Magazine, John Updike has a piece defending authorship and books against the usual digerati critiques. I basically agree with it, but I took special note of the following: Kevin Kelly, identified as the “senior maverick” at Wired magazine, the article describes a glorious digitalizing of all written knowledge. […] Unlike the libraries …
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Medical System
So I was going to add this clever thing to my post below about the softball game where I show you the x-rays of my knee and ankle (long story but there are injuries in both places). But when I popped in the CD, I found that the images were in a proprietary format that’s …
Sweet Victory at Last
Coach Greg predicted it. Yesterday, the rain gave way to sunshine and as the clouds began to part the False Consciousness took the field against a team from Chemistry and Physics known as the Otto Masochists, which is no doubt some kind of disciplinary in-joke I don’t understand. As a bagpipe player droned on in …
was a hot and unpleasant day, to be sure (1), but also a wonderful Montreal summer day in many ways. I wrote a little, I had a French lesson where I got my head around indefinate pronouns, I strummed my acoustic bass guitar for a good hour, I did some self-care around the house, and …