Sick Men Neglect Their Blogs

Nothing serious, just a summer cold. I hate summer colds. It’s beautiful out and I’ve got a head full of sand. I know colds aren’t restricted to winter, but they should be. Summer’s my time. Today I feel some improvement, though. I think I’ll leave the apartment.

Speaking of leaving the apartment, Thursday was our exam for permanent residency. It’s a very rudimentary physical — chest x-ray (they’re looking for TB), blood and urine tests, and meeting with a doctor for about 10 minutes. The whole thing took about 3 hours (mostly waiting) and cost us $160 each. The place was jam packed — they must be raking in the dough. We were also, I think, the only white people going through the immigration tests. The woman in x-ray was fascinated that we were Americans immigrating to Canada. Proof once again that it’s rarer than you’d think post-2004.

Tuesday, after a day of writing for Carrie and a day of business-doing for me (and a little World Cup action), Carrie and I wandered north into the West Island. We’d heard tell of an outstanding South Indian restaurant and were in the mood for a drive (I’d just picked up 3 new CDs — 2 by the Dears and a King Tubby collection). The place — Bombay Choupati — was indeed excellent. But the area was also very interesting to me. It’s basically suburban Montreal, but I don’t think I’d really seen the suburbs before. Suburbs as in “far enough out to have detached houses.” We drove around a bit. It was your usual strip mall, main drag and subdivision setup. But it’s a little newer than I expected. Most of the construction looks post-1960, and it’s hard not to notice a long string of ethnic restaurants and grocers along the main drag off the freeway. I asked our server at the restaurant about it and she said that this area had become a sort of second-stop for new arrivals. Immigrants would arrive and move into the city (she’s lived in the Jean-Talon/Jarry area) and then move out there when they got some money — “people found work out here, and they decided they liked it. It’s quieter and the people speak English.” So that’s the West Island, or at least the part of it we saw. I’ll be back for the sambar and dosai.

Oh yeah, the music. The Dears CDs were uneven (their live show is impeccable, though). The King Tubby was great. You can insert the comment here that everyone who’s ever read poststructuralist theory and listened to dub would make. “Dude, it’s like listening to deconstruction!” Me, I can’t enough of bowel-shaking bass.

Thank you and good day.

Trading Places on July 4th

Yesterday was one of those weird moments for me. I’m in Canada. It’s just a day here. But it’s a holiday in the U.S. I had to go in to work and a couple people asked me what I was doing there. But it’s not like there’s anything special to do on the 4th in Montreal. And fireworks are a pretty common experience on my street.

I still cling to some U.S. holidays, like a November thanksgiving. But I’ve more or less given up on the 4th as a holiday while in Canada. It’s not a bad deal, since i pick up the 1st and St-Jean-Baptiste Day in return.

Meanwhile, I notice one Canadian blogger went to check out a 4th of July parade.

True confessions, the 4th was never that big a holiday for me. Sure, as a friend put it yesterday “every country has a birthday” but the meaning of patriotism in the U.S. is so twisted into wars I don’t support that it’s been a contradictory event for as long as I can remember.

On the other hand, I did always like fireworks. Marching band music once a year wasn’t that bad either. And watching that guy accidentally ash his cigar into his girfriend’s hair while we all stood on the capitol steps (in Washington D.C., 1996) watching fireworks across the capitol mall is a priceless memory.

Soccer for Canada Day

I loved the ending to the Portugal-England game. As usual, everyone on the TV is tsk-tsking about how it shouldn’t have ended that way. What’s wrong with a good old shootout?

I haven’t really been watching the World Cup because it conflicts with my writing schedule. My mind is just a lot fresher in the morning. But now that the end is in sight, I think it’s time to give in.

Book Meme

This turned out be amusing. I borrowed it from Charlie.

a) pick up a book which is the closest to you at the moment
b) open page 123
c) find the third sentence
d) post it in your Live Journal (plus the instructions)
e) don’t choose the book, just pick up the one closest to you

“Mackay later maintained that Coolidge and Waterbury had first led him to believe that the Bell System was to be handed to him virtually on a platter, and had later gone back on their promise; at all events, the Morgan emissaries, temporarily abandoning the dream of consolidation, went forward with a plan to gain domination of AT&T without Mackay’s help.”

Per Gil’s adjustment in the comments, this is from John Brooks, Telephone: The First Hundred Years.