New Text

I see that I’ve been neglecting this feature of the blog. Here’s a catch-up post starting with something hot off the internet: Jonathan Sterne, Jeremy Morris, Michael Brendan Baker and Ariana Moscote Freire, “The Politics of Podcasting.” In “After Convergence, What Connects?” a special issue of Fibreculture edited by Caroline Bassett, Maren Hartmann and Kate …

Surprise: Predatory Lending Hits the Poorest Hardest

I mostly read magazines in bed and I have an on-again off-again relationship with The Nation. However, I spent a couple nights mulling over this disturbing story about what the mortgage crisis is doing to the black middle class. Meanwhile, the papers here have been running congratulatory editorials because the conservatives finally got it together …

Tasty + Concrete

Sometimes it takes world news to learn about something cool on your own campus: A group of profs and students in the School of Architecture, along with a couple NGOs, took a 1000 square foot piece of concrete (there are lots of awful concrete plazas around) and <a href=”” target=”_blank”>turned it into a container garden …

Missed Birthdays and Anniversaries

As I’ve been squirreled away at home writing a bunch of holidays have been going on: St. Jean Baptiste, which has become a nationalist holiday for Quebec, and July 1st and 4, the nationalist holidays for Canada and the U.S.  Quebec City also had its 400th anniversary.  A couple years back I noted the slight …