A few words on violence

I’d hoped to write something profound on the 5th anniversary of 9-11-01 but nothing came out. Thus, I’m passing you on to Axis of Evil Knievel for commentary on that day. In the comments, he concedes that WWI may have been stupider than this third Gulf War. At this time of year, I also need …

Bed and Breakfast in Full Effect

We’ve got a steady stream of visitors coming until mid-month. But I’ll try and keep it together. In the meantime, tV reminds me that if you were wondering about the Harper administration’s agenda for higher education, their initial big idea is a plan to make Canada the first country ever to pull out of the …

More Anti-Immigrant Stuff

In the past few months, I’ve been personally present for several nasty anti-immigrant comments, which I guess I never blogged about. I won’t right now, except to say that there’s a real nativist streak that runs across the whole political spectrum in Canada. Despite the talk about multiculturalism and being a nation of immigrants, there …